View Full Version : Noise

08-11-2009, 01:32 PM
I installed a new Kenwood TM-D710 in my diesel. When I am driving in traffic I notice that I can hear spark plug noise from the cars I am next to. Can't figure out how to get rid of it, or if I just have to live with it. Anyone have an ideas I could try?

08-11-2009, 09:07 PM
Is it the cars around you or is it your injectors. My diesel truck has a lot of noise from the injectors and can't stop it. I tamed the noise a bit by ground the cab and bed and hood to the chassis. No noiae on UHF or VHF but definately on HF.


08-12-2009, 09:46 AM
If it is the cars around you the only way to eliminate it is to disconnect the antenna, alas, that is counter productive (or drive where there are no cars around you.... Many folks in this group... Do just that)

I recall a Science Fiction book where a Human was in a planet where a war was being fought, The Enemy had a completly silent plane they were using to bomb and straff the "Good guys".. You see, they communicated by Antenna, not ears & mouth, the engine on the plane was a diesel, no spark, no EM noise. The human, could hear it miles away :)