View Full Version : Ultimax100 Endfed HF

09-22-2011, 08:57 PM
Greeting everyone from a new guy.
This past weekend I made my first attempt at operating HF portable from our travel trailer.

My setup was the Kenwood TS-2000 and an Ultimax100 endfed antenna.
threw the matching box up on the top of one of the slides, ran the antenna wire to a tree limb and fired it up. great match on all bands 6 thru 75. Excellent contacts on 10 thru 20. Heard just a few weak signals on 40 and not a peep on 75. About what I expected with 25 feet of wire. Next time I may try adding some wire and seeing how the lower bands work.

It is definitely a compromise but it is simple to deploy and get on the air.


Ed Maikranz
Abilene, TX

09-23-2011, 09:08 PM
Way to go Ed. Nice rig and setup ya got there.