View Full Version : Turkey week in the Mojave Desert

11-26-2011, 02:15 PM
Howdy gang.............no, not "gangsta's"..

Spent this past week in the Mojave Desert, N/O California City or Edwards AFB, which ever boondocking amongst the Asbestos bushes. Weather for the mostpart was great, with some wind/light rain in the beginning, then it went good for the rest of the time.

Took my Yaesu FT-817 5 watter QRP rig, the G5RVjr wire antenna and my Buddipole setup. Except for checking into the RV net on 40M, all the other operation was on 10 meters using the Buddipole. Band conditions werent the best, but did manage 22 QSO's, with 3 being DX (Japan, Slovenia and Australia). All contacts were CW except the VK station, whom I had a nice 20 minute chat with on SSB. He couldnt believe I was running 5 watts, as I was 58 into him with some QSB of course... Ah the fun of QRP....frustrating at times, but well worth it when it comes together and not using a zillion watts to do it with...

73 de John W6ZKH

Andy N1ORK
11-27-2011, 06:12 AM
Nice set up John! Great contacts with the FT817 QRP. I have an 817, but so far, only use it for SWLing on the back patio or from a park. One of these days we'll have to try QRP on it.

One Country Boy
11-27-2011, 07:34 AM
Hi John,

Like Andy said, "Nice looking setup." I was looking at your Bio Page on QRZ and see where you don't do the satellite stuff much anymore. CW is a lot of fun and when I'm running CW I just don't care about running a lot of power. Not as restricted as you, to 5 watts or so, but never run over about 25 watts. CW can be a lot of fun, just that anticipation of the QTH, etc.

I've not been on the forum much in awhile, trying to get back active. I may have to drag out the ole key today also. You have my CW fever up. Good to see you.

11-27-2011, 11:16 AM
Hi Andy and Jim..... yes, had alot of fun out there..... everyone else out there are riding their motorcycles or quads, and I just play radio, heh... My riding motorcycle days are over, after my crash 3 years ago out there, ending up with knee surgery.... too darn old to play, unless it would be a nice 4 wheel big rig, heh.. My CW speed is moderate, at about 15 wpm.... I'm not that 'tuned in' to the boys doing 25-40 wpm....sounds like a buzz saw to me anymore. I hang out on the QRP watering hole frequencies of 14060, 18096, 21060, 24906 and 28060... all depending on band conditions of course. So, if you hear me about, give me a shout...:hello:

John W6ZKH