View Full Version : Send a card to a friend - KB5LJE

03-11-2012, 11:22 AM
For those of you who don't know (or remember) Mike, he is the co-founder of ORR.net and a couple of other forums. Without Mike, there would be no Open Roads Radio.net. He is Member #1. I'm Member #2.

Mike has been off air for quite sometime. He has been fighting cancer for the last few years, and it has progressed such that he has had more surgery recently. He's home now, and we here at ORR.net owe him a great deal.

If you would, invest the time to send him a card or a note.

Mike Rimmer, KB5LJE
5783 Bedford Loop East
Southaven, MS 38672

It would mean a lot to the admins and behind the scenes folks here at ORR.net and the sister sites Mike has been associated with over the years.

One Country Boy
03-12-2012, 08:36 AM
DITTO Wade....

A very good fellow ham and gentleman. He is fighting a hard battle. Keep him in your prayers also.