View Full Version : Great weather, no camping.

05-19-2012, 10:05 AM
We have had absolutely perfect weather here for more than a month. Cool mornings, not cold, warm days, not hot.

And I have neither the time no funding to go anywhere and enjoy it.


All you retired fulltimers can rub in it, now. ;)

Maybe in July we'll catch a break. We'll see.

05-19-2012, 01:26 PM
Here in Texas, it's starting to get hot. 90 + every day. In about 3 weeks, I'm headed for Colorado where it's still freezing at night and not above 70 in the day. Probably still a lot snow in the higher areas. Don't plan to leave there until at least mid September. That should cover most of the Texas heat.
Get out and enjoy things as much as you can. A very smart guy once said " at the end of life, you will far more regret the things that you didn't do than the things you did."

05-21-2012, 04:12 PM
There is a tropical depression dancing about (Alberto) just off the GA/SC coast. Should make a run up the eastern seaboard over the next few days. Got a bit of welcome rain yesterday.

Got some unexpected money in the mail. Hmm. Just might need to get the trailer out in the next few weeks.

Thinking about it.

:think: :redtent:

05-21-2012, 11:56 PM
I feel your pain Wade. We are having some really nice weather here in South Louisiana. Definitely time for some camping.

Too bad we are hosting my wife's brother while he is between jobs and his place is our camper :bigcry:

Needless to say...no camping for us.

One Country Boy
05-23-2012, 07:36 AM
Hello Guys...

We returned last Wednesday from about two weeks on the road. My navigator and I had a great time up in Dillard, GA for about 3 days. Our son Chris (N4XCI) had given us a gift certificate last Christmas for 3 nights at River Vista Mountain Village (http://www.rvmountainvillage.com/), so we went up to collect. We usually don't get up there this early in the year. I don't know if it were because we were up there early or due to the economy, but we almost had the park to ourselves. After collecting on our gift certificate, we moved on over to the Hiawassee, GA area. We stayed at Bald Mountain RV Resort. (http://www.baldmountainpark.com/) This was our second stay on Bald Mountain and I have to say it's a great place to camp. Like the park down the mountain at Dillard, it was not real busy. We had an excellant site, mostly shaded and a rocky stream within 12 feet of the bedroom window to listen to all night. This is one of my favorite campgrounds, if not my favorite. We awakened most mornings in the clouds. I think this campground holds some type title of being the most elevated in the state of Georgia.

As you guys were saying the temps and humidities were just right for this "Ole Florida Boy". The lowest temp we had was down to about 45 one night. After that it was consistantly in the very low 50's at night. The day time temps ? If it ever hit 80, it was in the very low 80's. Most of the time the high daytime temp ran about 76 degrees.

We thought we were so early we would not be able to get any of the good peaches we normally get. We were wrong and we were glad we were wrong. Let me tell you those are some of the sweetest and richest peaches we've ever eaten. Contrary to popular belief, the ONLY peaches we find in that area come from South Carolina, not Georgia. There is a fairly large roadside stand about 5 miles south of Dillard on U.S. 441 that has an abundance of tasty fruit and veggies. The stand is out in the middle of where much of the produce is being grown. If you're in that area, you need to look for this produce stand.

Well..... that's about the report from here. I'm ready to go back, but I've got to raise some fuel money first. The humidity and temps back here at home are beginning to both get on up there. I think we'll probably try to do a few local, short trips very soon, before the temps here begin to hit the mid and high 90's.

One other quick comment..... The water levels in the lakes and streams appeared to be near normal. The river here at my QTH and the creek behind our home is as low as I've ever seen them. This drought has been going on for some times now and sure taking it's toll on our area. The water table has dropped to the point that some of the spring fed lakes in our area are also lower then ever seen by some of the old timers in the area. Old Timer ? Do I qualify for that title ?:waggle:

Have a good holiday weekend all and get out and do some camping.

05-23-2012, 09:11 PM
Jim - wondered where you went. Yeah you had some swell weather while you were here, and thanks for the RV campground suggestions.

One Country Boy
05-25-2012, 07:54 AM
Some beautiful country not too very far from your home Wade... You and the wife need to get up into that area more. I'm telling my wife I'm ready to move to that area. She says the winters are too cold.... I don't think so. :hello: