View Full Version : No oven??

10-18-2012, 06:42 PM
Our new motorhome does not have an oven, what are some good options to still enjoy baked food?
We have a Presto Pizzaz to make pizza and we love it but we still like our cookies, biscuits etc...


10-18-2012, 08:03 PM
Some people say you can do all that in a combination convection/microwave oven, using the convection-oven feature. Your new rig probably has one of these.

You'll likely have to experiment and adjust cooking times and temperatures until you get it right for each recipe.

I dunno -- I narrowed my selection when I bought my MH, because I absolutely wanted a real oven. I use it often. I use the microwave often, too, but I've never tried its convection-oven feature.

10-19-2012, 12:10 PM
Aroma makes a very large "Toaster Oven" I mean it's dang near as big (well half the size) of a standard RV oven, works well. Alas, checking the company web site I see they no longer make that product or the one that replaced it.

But basically I'd go with a giant "Toaster oven" Check out the rotisserie ovens at Lowes or Target or Wally-World

10-19-2012, 01:12 PM
It should have a convection/microwave which does great baking things.


10-19-2012, 01:18 PM
My MH has a convection/microwave and the dw bakes all kinds of things. Everything from turkey to biscuits. Does a great job.

10-20-2012, 01:30 PM
There are folding "ovens" that fin on top of a barbecue grill, at Cabella's and other places.

10-24-2012, 09:46 PM
We use our convection/microwave all the time, works fine.

JIM :clap:

11-03-2012, 12:20 AM
We don't have a convection/microwave, just a plain-Jane microwave.

I am thinking if I can find one that fits in the existing space that a convection/microwave will be the way to go as this rig has an extremely small kitchen space with virtually no counter space.

11-03-2012, 10:58 AM
I got to wonder about a house without an oven.. But then .. I still know how to use one :) My wife.. Seems to have forgotten it exists. She has one way to do everything and can not even consider options... Even when I've explained the options several times.

11-03-2012, 11:01 AM
My Sweet Wife likes our conventional LP oven, provided I light the pilot on the thing. She just can't seem to get the hang of it. Or she's scared she's going to blow the trailer up...

11-03-2012, 02:21 PM
My Sweet Wife likes our conventional LP oven, provided I light the pilot on the thing. She just can't seem to get the hang of it.

Me, I light the pilot with a Bernz-O-Matic torch. Easy as pie. Apple pie, or pumpkin, that is. Cherry pie is a lot more work than apple or pumpkin.

11-04-2012, 07:52 PM
We don't have a convection/microwave, just a plain-Jane microwave.

I am thinking if I can find one that fits in the existing space that a convection/microwave will be the way to go as this rig has an extremely small kitchen space with virtually no counter space.

Look at Sharp on the web. All along I am under the assumption that you will want to be building it in, so to speak, at least getting it off the counter and hopefully above the range top, then bingo what you said about counter space gave me a duh moment. What exactly do you want?
The units I am familiar with must be vented to the outside and they double as a cook top exhaust fan. Sharp convection microwave and for that matter other brands are pricy. I hope you will not give up. Remember to amortize the cost over many tasty and convenient meals over the years. If you are not feeling competent in a "do it yourself" installation there are many companies that will do the work for you. Be careful in choosing a shop, there are many bad ones out there. Not trying to scare you, but I have heard many sad stories. Continue to discuss your feelings for us to help you in your endeavor.

A picture is still worth a thousand words so show us what you have to work with and we will give ideas and opinions. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience available to you if you wish to tap into it.

JIM :)

11-04-2012, 09:10 PM
We don't have a convection/microwave, just a plain-Jane microwave.

I am thinking if I can find one that fits in the existing space that a convection/microwave will be the way to go as this rig has an extremely small kitchen space with virtually no counter space.

My assumption from this post, your plan is replacing the RV style microwave with an RV style convection/microwave that fits in the same spot.

So I guess Camping World or your local RV dealer would be the place to start. It should be fairly easy to unload the OEM oven on Ebay, since designed for RV microwaves are a bit rare and someone with a dead one would like to snap that up.

I don't know if these units require an outside vent or not.

11-05-2012, 11:58 AM
Me, I light the pilot with a Bernz-O-Matic torch. Easy as pie. Apple pie, or pumpkin, that is. Cherry pie is a lot more work than apple or pumpkin.

I use one of those long lighters to light it (Butane, not propane) but I use the Benz-o-matic Propane "Match" to light campfires.. Does a great job.

Also, you know those new safe campfire rings that consist of a short length of conduit Inside a larger ring of conduit, with about 4" of concrete in between.. No way to lift them up and let air into the bottom of the fire.

I have a piece of exhaust pipe bent by Mr. Muffler to go over those things and shot air out along the bottom.

In the outside end is a small (1 or 1.5" (12 volt whisper fan (Small comptuer fan) .. Feed it 12vdc and air enteers the fire ring. Rather quickly.