View Full Version : News about as bad as it gets

04-03-2013, 09:15 AM
Wow, a forum section just designed for this kind of message.

Last Wed, My wife and I got a ride to a used JEEP dealer and picked up a sweet used Jeep, this puppy was 26 years old and I've seen 26 month old cars in worse condition, it was clean inside and out, Major issues were missing light bulbs (Dome/courtesy) in fact, not a big thing at all.. One broken seat belt buckle, still buckled just fine but unbuckling was a tad tricky.

We were happy, really looking forward to life with a car again, epically one this good. It was a NICE car, ran like new, handled the same way. Ordered the tow bar (Would have had it installed next week)

Well We drove it to church on Thursday, Friday and Saturday (The last getting back home to bed about 12:30) back up at 6am and back to church for the Easter Sunday Mass. Again we really enjoied the Jeep, between that and other runnign around we put between 300 and 400 miles on it in just a few days.

On Sunday, while following me to a new campground we'd never been to before, she lost control (Very clearly driver error, not mechanical error) smashed into a tree, and died (Instantly near as they can tell).

The funeral is Monday, 11am, http://saintpaulseneca.org/
(Web site for church)

04-03-2013, 10:02 AM
Lincoln said it best: no words of mine can beguile you from the grief of so great a loss. But please at least know, John, that you are among friends here. My thoughts, and all our thoughts, will be with you.

04-03-2013, 12:50 PM
I had to check the date of the message hoping this was an April Fool's story.

No words from me can even begin to say how sorry I am for your loss.

I am fellow Catholic and in the Knights of Columbus. We say the Rosary before our meetings. Tonight we will offer the Rosary for your wife's intention.

Andy N1ORK
04-03-2013, 03:25 PM
Our prayers and thoughts are with both of you.

04-03-2013, 06:58 PM
The thoughts and prayers of all those who pass by the Open Roads Radio forums are with you. This part of the ORR.net forum was in fact meant for exactly this sort of thing.

I grieve with you in your loss. I can't imagine having to finish the journey down my lifes road without my beloved Sweet Wife.

May the Lord Jesus comfort you in His arms.

04-03-2013, 08:12 PM
My most heartfelt condolences for your loss. We all grieve with you.

04-03-2013, 08:16 PM

My families prayers go out to you at this time. There are no words to comfort, but we would like you to know that we will pray for you.

God is our ultimate comforter and He tells us to lean on Him for strength. Your beautiful and loving wife is sitting at the table of Jesus getting ready for the feast. Take care to know that right beside her is your place and she will be waiting for you. You will be reunited again in God's Love.

Blessing my friend.

04-03-2013, 09:57 PM
John, terrible news. Please accept my sympathy and prayers.


04-04-2013, 08:24 AM
Thanks to all. I'm just about finished "Rebooting" as it were (My life it coming together) I'm now functional but with occasional "Brown outs" as it were. The good thing, if there is a good thing, is this is where we have the most mutual friends, it's where we sing in the choir it's more "home" than Home ever was. So I have the support of a lot of folks.

Of course it's going to be a while before I'm 100% again, if ever.

One Country Boy
04-07-2013, 12:43 PM

I could not believe what I was reading. I had to re-read parts of your post to assure myself I was not mistaken. I can only wish that I were. My most heart felt condolences go out to you and family members. Such a tremendous loss will be felt forever. Only time will help ease the pain and void that remains. Stay close to your faith, family, friends and especially your church family. Being able to discuss your loss with the people close to you can only help to fill the void that feels like it's in the pit of your stomach.

Prayers for you and wishing you the very best my ORR friend,


04-08-2013, 08:09 AM
Well Radio, thanks for creating this section.. Funeral is this morning, I'm getting ready for it starting in just a few minutes.

04-08-2013, 01:39 PM
John, I could not believe what I was reading. I had gall bladder surgery and then came down with pneumonia and have not been on the forum much. I am so sorry for you loss.


04-09-2013, 04:19 PM
Thanks Jim.. One of the net control operators I chat with from time to time (11-12 Today, Teusday, on 7272KHZ) lives near and Came to the funeral yesterday.

And you know, after the funeral.... I actually feel better. Not 100% but much better.

04-05-2015, 10:30 PM
I lost my wife suddenly as well 10 years ago, no words can
explain how one feels when this happens.

From our family to yours, our prayers are with you