07-25-2013, 08:00 PM
There is a malicious scam going around where some off shore Pakistani dude calls you up and says he is with the NSA, the United Nations Internet Control Task Force or even just MicroSoft Windows Support and informs you that YOUR computer is spewing trash all over the world and must be stopped by going to this particular site and downloading some code.
Which then steals every account number and password that ever goes through your computer.
So Pakistani Jimmy calls my cell phone at work and starts his pitch. And that pisses me off. I'm looking for something to make a lot of noise with. I'm going to blow Jimmy's little headset into the next room. Hmmm?
A pneumatic rivet gun? Not one handy. A hammer on a vise? Not loud enough. Bingo! The emergency megaphone in the bosses cube!!
So I keep Pakistani Jimmy busy long enough to walk across the shop, take the megaphone down from the shelf, at which point the microphone falls out of it and I have to ask if it still works.
"Dunno...try it and see" which I gladly do after reinserting the microphone.
"DON'T EVER CALL THIS NUMBER AGAIN, YOU LYING SCAMMING SON OF A B!TCH" and I saw "call ended" pop up on the cell phone.
Which pretty much got the attention of everyone in the shop. :beer:
(All aircraft carry megaphones for emergency use. When they get old or beat up they are used in the hangar in case of fire or other emergency where you need to heard groups of people around. We have tons of them.)
Which then steals every account number and password that ever goes through your computer.
So Pakistani Jimmy calls my cell phone at work and starts his pitch. And that pisses me off. I'm looking for something to make a lot of noise with. I'm going to blow Jimmy's little headset into the next room. Hmmm?
A pneumatic rivet gun? Not one handy. A hammer on a vise? Not loud enough. Bingo! The emergency megaphone in the bosses cube!!
So I keep Pakistani Jimmy busy long enough to walk across the shop, take the megaphone down from the shelf, at which point the microphone falls out of it and I have to ask if it still works.
"Dunno...try it and see" which I gladly do after reinserting the microphone.
"DON'T EVER CALL THIS NUMBER AGAIN, YOU LYING SCAMMING SON OF A B!TCH" and I saw "call ended" pop up on the cell phone.
Which pretty much got the attention of everyone in the shop. :beer:
(All aircraft carry megaphones for emergency use. When they get old or beat up they are used in the hangar in case of fire or other emergency where you need to heard groups of people around. We have tons of them.)