10-12-2014, 10:45 AM
The title pretty much says it all. While in Atlanta, a 5 gallon plastic bucket fall off a truck in front of us, one lane over. We had slowed as traffic was dodging it. As we got clsoer to us, it rolled into our lane and went under the truck. WHOMP it said and the oil pressure on the truck went to zero, smoke poured from under the truck. It hit the oil filter and bent it back enough to break the o-ring seal. The owner of the bucket, stopped as some flagged him down. Called the police and filed an accident report.
It took about 1/2 mile at low speed to get on the shoulder and immediately shut down. Took GS ERS 5 hours to get us towed to a campsite and the truck to a diesel shop. They drained the rest of the oil, took a sample, replaced the oil filter, added oil and restarted the engine and checked oil pressure. Engine sounded fine and had oil pressure.
We did some more sight seeing in Atlanta and drove the truck checking it out. Engine seemed OK, so we hooked up and headed up to the Smoky Mountains. Spent a week sight seeing and running the truck.
We hooked up to head up to Knoxville and over toward Asheville. Just east of Knoxville, the engine started ticking and by the time we stopped on the shoulder it was rattling like a bucket full of rocks and cans. The engine oil was still full.
Two wait from GS ERS to get us to a campground and the truck to a Ford dealer. Called the bucket owners insurance again since we held the calim open until we could get another oil analysis at 1500 miles.. Well, it made about 600 miles.
Finally got the Progressive rep out to the Ford shop and the tech found it threw a rod and the turbo went south.
The truck will need a complete new engine and intercooler. The Ford estimate to Progressive is over $23,000.00...about 1/2 the value of the truck. Now we wait to get the estimate approved by Progressive.
It will take 5 or 6 days to get the engine to Knoxville so we will be here close to two weeks by time the truck is completed and we spend a couple of days driving it and checking it over. Then we will make a couple of short tows staying close to the area.
I guess we are just lucky that the fellow stopped and had insurance.
When you are given lemons, you need lots of sugar to make lemonade.
It took about 1/2 mile at low speed to get on the shoulder and immediately shut down. Took GS ERS 5 hours to get us towed to a campsite and the truck to a diesel shop. They drained the rest of the oil, took a sample, replaced the oil filter, added oil and restarted the engine and checked oil pressure. Engine sounded fine and had oil pressure.
We did some more sight seeing in Atlanta and drove the truck checking it out. Engine seemed OK, so we hooked up and headed up to the Smoky Mountains. Spent a week sight seeing and running the truck.
We hooked up to head up to Knoxville and over toward Asheville. Just east of Knoxville, the engine started ticking and by the time we stopped on the shoulder it was rattling like a bucket full of rocks and cans. The engine oil was still full.
Two wait from GS ERS to get us to a campground and the truck to a Ford dealer. Called the bucket owners insurance again since we held the calim open until we could get another oil analysis at 1500 miles.. Well, it made about 600 miles.
Finally got the Progressive rep out to the Ford shop and the tech found it threw a rod and the turbo went south.
The truck will need a complete new engine and intercooler. The Ford estimate to Progressive is over $23,000.00...about 1/2 the value of the truck. Now we wait to get the estimate approved by Progressive.
It will take 5 or 6 days to get the engine to Knoxville so we will be here close to two weeks by time the truck is completed and we spend a couple of days driving it and checking it over. Then we will make a couple of short tows staying close to the area.
I guess we are just lucky that the fellow stopped and had insurance.
When you are given lemons, you need lots of sugar to make lemonade.