View Full Version : Tech License Class

06-14-2015, 11:28 AM
Beginning 7/11/2015 there will be 3 consecutive Saturday Technician license classes at the American Legion Post in Powder Springs, GA. Eldon Morris N1MN, a certified ARRL instructor, will conduct the class. Myself and one or two others will assist. For more information you can contact Eldon at [email protected] or go to the ARRL web site and click on "License Classes" and do a search for Georgia. Note, a study manual is strongly recommeded, we find that those who do not have a manual to study between classes have a high failure rate.

This should be a fairly large class as there are about 20 Boy Scouts in the class working on their merit badge. Anyone in the area that wants to assist with teaching the class is welcome to join in.

In addition for anyone studying for a General upgrade be aware that the current question pool expires on June 30, 2015. If you are ready or about to be ready to test you may want to do it before the end of the month or else pick up a new license manual and start studying that. Usually about 1/3rd of the questions will be new in regard to theory, rules and regulations rarely change except the wording of questions may be altered.

Extra class question pool changes July 1, 2016 and then there will be no changes in 2017.


07-23-2015, 10:02 PM
Well, we finish up the Tech class this coming Saturday. We test anyone that thinks they are ready, not only people that took the class but any walk-ins for any license level, also. We had 4 people test on the second Saturday of the class and 3 passed, the one that failed was about 12 years old and did pretty good as he only missed passing by 3 questions so he will test again this week.

We will have a follow-up class session for the General License starting August 8 and will be 3 consecutive Saturdays. Anyone studying for General will need to get the new question pool that started July 1, 2015. For information on the classes go to the ARRL web site and click on education or go to W5YI web site for details. See you there.


07-24-2015, 01:00 PM
Congrats on a good class and test session.

Alas the last license class I took I did not complete.. Thankfully the issues that were giving me fits were covered early in the six week course so when I tested out at 4 weeks... Well let's just say I did good and leave it at that.

Now.. I have a good excuse for not taking any more license classes.

I wrote a post once titled "how to fix the band limits on a TS-2000 using only a dollar store calculator and a #2 pencil

You see.. The TS-2000 comes pre-programmed with band edges so you can no transmit out of the ham bands.. YOU CAN however transmit in the EXTRA only portion of the band.

One test later,, aided on one or two questions by the still carded calculator, and I had fixed the problem.. The TS-2000 can now only transmit on frequencies I am licensed for. (And not even all of those).