View Full Version : Boy Scouts, Harbor Freight

08-10-2015, 06:48 PM
Was at the Doctors Office today and while waiting I picked up a copy of "Scouting" which is the official adult publication of the Boy Scouts. The Dr. is a Scout leader.

I thumbed through the entire magazine. Looked at all the articles and advertisements. I noted only one full page ad in the entire magazine. And it was from Harbor Freight.

Now Harbor Freight doesn't sell much in the way of camping stuff, maybe a little. But they support the Boy Scouts. I didn't see the makers of tents, RVs, trucks, or much else than Scout supplies advertised in there.

But Harbor Freight was. And they will get more of my money.

08-12-2015, 01:09 PM
I can think of several things Harbor Freight has that a Boy Scout might need,, But Then I was one once.
Hatchets for example, Tarps (Ground cover for a tent) Tent stakes and tools to install/remove them.. Shall I go on?

08-12-2015, 04:58 PM
I was in scouts, as a boy and adult. son is Eagle Scout.

That's where I first started camping, but it was way different "back then".

Any other old scouts out there?

08-23-2015, 06:45 PM
I was in scouts, as a boy and adult. son is Eagle Scout.

That's where I first started camping, but it was way different "back then".

Any other old scouts out there?

Both Cub Scouts & Boy Scouts for me. Made it to "Life" Scout and well on the way to Eagle when the family moved from Trenton, NJ to Reno, NV just as I turned 14. After the move, scouting was not a part of our life "out west".

Great Scouting memories from New Jersey. Great tent camping, winter cabin camping and week(s) long summer Scouting camps. I still use many of the knots learned a-way-back then. Bowline and clove hitch (Sailing), tautline and lashings (Antennas and their guy lines) and square (everywhere) pop immediately to mind.

Simple Boy Scout cooking skills have stayed with me as well. I am not a gourmet chef, but I'll never starve ;)

The rifle safety courses at the Boy Scout summer camps were always fun. I can still remember the smell of burnt gunpowder on the rifle range and the range safety officer yelling "Ready on the left"? "Ready on the right"? "Fire at will"! Penny a shot as I remember. Single shot, bolt action 22 rifles. 10 shots then go retrieve your paper target.

Fun times.

08-25-2015, 07:45 AM
I had been in scouting as a scout (some of the best fun ever), and adult scout leader for 35 years. Never made eagle but one of my sons did.

08-25-2015, 02:24 PM
Welcome aboard, tachuk.


08-26-2015, 04:51 PM
my son enlisted in the army a number of years ago.

After completion of basic training, he told me,
"the army is just like Boy Scouts, they teach, map reading, first aid, character skills, except with much bigger guns".

However, he didn't jump, from perfectly good airplanes in scouts like he does now in the Army.

08-26-2015, 06:29 PM
However, he didn't jump, from perfectly good airplanes in scouts like he does now in the Army.

We had the nicest most helpful old guy, now SK, in our local radio club. He was 82nd Airborne in WWII. Asked how many jumps he made he said "None. But they kicked me out about 40 times!"
