View Full Version : A successful Tech license class

02-20-2016, 07:36 PM
We did good with the class that finished today, Feb 20th. We had 31 take the exam with 27 getting a new Tech license, 1 went on to get his General and only 4 people failed the exam. So, congrats to the new hams. There was a few in the class that didn't feel they were quite ready for the exam. Many of the people were Cobb County CERTS volunteers and there was about 8 Boy Scouts that were successful.

We do it again in April with a projected class about the same size. Cobb County Georgia wants their CERTS volunteers to get a license which makes sense. Anyone in the North Atlanta area that wants to get a license be sure to check the ARRL.org web site for the next class. Just click on "Classes" and look for the Powder Springs location.

Ham licenses is approaching 800,000 (799,345 as of today) and should reach it within the next 2 months. Of course there are a number of SKs that didn't have licenses cancelled and there are a little over 12,000 club licenses are in the mix. There is still one Tech Plus license in existence which should disappear and revert to just Tech when it comes time for renewal. Techs make up about 1/2 of the licenses and Generals slightly outnumber Extras for the other half.

We had our first expired license holder get reinstated at our last regular monthly test session he got his General back and will be testing for Extra next Monday evening. He let his license lapse about 10 years ago.


02-20-2016, 08:33 PM

02-21-2016, 07:42 AM
Our club sponsors VE exams and they just finished another one I have lost track but I think it is number 3. Now I know one might say that's not a lot but it was 3,500' up on the side of Mt. Washington at the Harvard cabin about a 1 1/2 hike up the mountain! Now those are dedicated hams! Congrats to Rich KB1WDW (keeper of the cabin) on his upgrade to General.

02-21-2016, 06:19 PM
I've never heard of an unsuccessful tech license class.

02-21-2016, 10:13 PM
Congrats to all the new hams.

My last test was in 1967 (Advanced class) back when you had to go to the FCC office for the test.

Am studying to try and get Extra license before existing pool questions expire at the end of June.

We go back on the road at the end of May, and the local club has 3 tests between now and then, the last one on May 2.

Lots of formulas to remember and memorize, and a lot of "devices" that were invented since 1967 (ex: P-channel depletion MOSFET).:hands:

Hopefully I will get some easy questions on the test, like what is the gain of an isotropic antenna, than one I can handle.

02-22-2016, 07:42 AM
A shameless promotion of our club and the testing sessions at the Harvard Cabin. By the way we do have sessions at a much lower altitude for the non hikers. http://us6.campaign-archive2.com/?u=c21be406cb7f836195e5015ef&id=b56ce56d37&e=fdac96c085
So if you fellow campers find your self's in the White Mountain region please give a call on 145.45 (100 hz) or 448.775 (100 hz) or Mt. Washington 448.225 (82.5 hz) or even Echolink through KB1EZJ (tied to the 145.45 repeater). Our Transmitters are on Mt. Cranmore in North Conway NH and we are the trustee for the UHF transmitter on Mt. Washington.