View Full Version : Tom Tom GPS Question

01-18-2008, 12:09 PM
Not sure where to post this one but here goes.....

I have a chance to get a Tom Tom One for not much (free) or another choice for a work reward and wondering if its really worth it. I did go to C-Net and checked the reviews and they seem to indicate its JUNK. So any one out there with experence with this GPS? :lost:

01-19-2008, 08:39 AM
Well. it depends a lot on the use you plan on putting it to. If you plan on using it as a receiver "Front end" for navigation software on a computer, they are all good, no difference if you plan on using it as your navi-comp then Garmin beat both Tom-Tom and Magellin 3 for 3 when one of the gadget magazines did 3 sample routes using all Three.

They used the top of the line unit from each company

How much of an issue this is, I don't know I do know the software I use does not always suggest the best route.

For example. On one trip to dinner the software took me down residental streets, stop signs ever 2 blocks. 2 blocks away was a "main drag" red light every mile I'd rather have taken the slightly longer, but very much faster, route (And did coming home)

In the Garmin/Magellin/Tom-Tom test one of the factors was with the Garmin the final direction was always "Turn Right into parking lot" and with the other two it was turn left Right turns are safer.. I don't recall the other differences but they liked the Garmin better

01-19-2008, 06:42 PM
I have a Garmin IV, it works as well as can be expected. Cost a lot of :money: for basically a toy. The problems I have come across they (all gps units) are hard to see while you are trying to drive .

I still like my Rand Mc Nally Commerical Drivers Road atlas.:think::book:

01-19-2008, 08:29 PM
Well I've come to the decision that I really like my maps better than one of these toys. I really appreciate your inputs. So instead of a TomTom for my working years reward I choose a Bushnell telescope.