View Full Version : Colorado trip

01-26-2008, 08:15 PM
We do the CO trip(hunt elk) about every two years. This time, five of us went out in a TropiCal . It was used as base camp at a trail head. Outfitter then took us and our gear into the high country where we hiked/hunted for a week. Did not take the HF gear this time, but have done so in the past. We don't come down for about 8 days. I can tell you there are no amenities up on the mountain except a fire at night. This is in October. We packed out two elk back from this trip. We use our handhelds for safety communication, and all of us were hams.

01-26-2008, 08:23 PM
I would really have enjoyed that when I was younger and healthier. Not so much, now :)

Clay L
01-27-2008, 10:35 AM
We lived in Grand Junction for ten years - left in 1982. I used to hunt up on Grand Mesa and always took my Icom 2AT. No cell phones in those days so it was a really important safety aid back then.

My sister in law owns a commercial peach orchard in Palisade and put in a full hook-up RV site for us. We spend two or three months there each fall visiting family before we head for warmer climes.

We are in Bouse AZ right now but it hasn't been as warm here as it was the past three years. Been getting down into the low 30s just about every night and days have been in the low 60s.

The big RV show last week was fun though.

03-08-2008, 09:07 PM
Next time you go, post pictures!