View Full Version : January 2017 session

01-27-2017, 09:59 PM
As opposed to the November session last year with zero testers we had 9 people show up on the 23rd of January. One got his upgrade to Extra and the other 8 are new technicians, none were successful at upgrade to General, !00% success rate, GREAT. So congratulations to the new hams and to the one that got his Amateur Extra.

I am approaching 100 test sessions, currently at 93. Only 5 other VE's in the state have more test sessions than I have done. Actually there is 6 with more sessions but one is now SK. There are 754 VE's in the session group in Georgia at the present.

01-28-2017, 09:29 PM
We had 4 test today for the technicians. When I keft, 3 had passed, one with 100%. The forth was struggling. I hope he made it.