View Full Version : As the internet collapses in on itself...

02-28-2017, 02:39 PM
Interesting things going on in cyberspace.


In the face of disaster there is always amateur radio!

But ORR.net is still up.

02-28-2017, 04:55 PM
Life was simpler before PCs.


*Memory was something that you lost with age.

*An application was for employment.

*A program was a TV show.

*A cursor used profanity.

*A keyboard was a piano.

*A web was a spider’s home.

*A virus was the flu.

*A CD was a bank account.

*A hard drive was a long trip on the road.

*A mouse pad was where a mouse lived.

*And if you had a 3-1/2 inch floppy…you just hoped nobody found out.

Janet H
02-28-2017, 08:37 PM
Interesting things going on in cyberspace.


In the face of disaster there is always amateur radio!

But ORR.net is still up.

I would love to hear the details about what actually happened with Amazons data center... betting we will never know. ;)

03-01-2017, 08:32 AM
Life was simpler before PCs.

*A cursor used profanity.
*A CD was a bank account.

Well today A Cursor often leads to considerable Profanity
And a CD, Well it's a dang poor bank account, but then there are not good bank accounts any more though there are good investments.

I liked that.. The article lead to another article which was also interesting.

I've had no problems accessing anything I access this AM. And this is the end of my AM Internet run right here.

High Error Rate can mean that a software update went wonky.. It happens, or it can indicate hardware issues, but hardware issues on that many computers at the same time... NOT possible.
It can also mean an attack in progress.

Who knows

The article it led to talked about a DDoS Attack that made access to, among other things Twitter somewhat hard... I'm thinking of our poor (take that two different ways both correct) Orange "leader".. Not being able to access Twitter and twit away would be painful for him.

For me. Well I logged into Twitter a couple days ago ... The computers fainted in shock (I have an account, first time I've accessed it in like 2 years).

03-05-2017, 07:38 PM
I would love to hear the details about what actually happened with Amazons data center... betting we will never know. ;)

I read somewhere on a tech blog that they were trying to resolve some sort of issue with one server, some one fat fingered a UNIX command and that typo did the damage.

rm *.* instead of rm *.tmp for example. :jitter:

Which brought to mind a couple of Gary Larsen's Far Side cartoons: