View Full Version : Red-and-white belt.

07-23-2017, 12:13 AM
I've been promoted! I'm now a sixth degree black belt in Judo, and entitled to wear either a black belt or, when I choose, a red-and-white belt instead. It took me only 54 years. The first five degrees wear only black.

Ain't it purty?

07-23-2017, 07:39 AM
Congratulations and much respect!

My daughter holds a fifth degree black belt in karate and my grandson holds a fourth degree black belt. Together they run a dojo. I take so much much joy in their accomplishments, and fully understand how much work it took you to arrive at your goal.

07-24-2017, 08:13 AM
So does this mean you now know how to step aside and let the hostile punch a hole in the automotive glass window behind you?

Fact.. That method really works... Only in my case it was a brick wall they ran into head first.. I simply got out of their way.. I mean why Should I get hostile just cause they did?

Congrats on the up-grade.. Alas the only belt I wear is leather or faux leather.

07-24-2017, 12:27 PM
So does this mean you now know how to step aside and let the hostile punch a hole in the automotive glass window behind you?

It means I know how, and can teach it. It doesn't mean I can do it.

At my age I'm so slow that young students, although I know much more than they do and have skills they lack, can attack me about three or four times while I'm still reacting to the first one. But I can train them to be way better than I ever was.

07-24-2017, 07:19 PM
"Ah, Grasshopper, when you can snatch.....DADGUMMIT Grasshopper! Gimme back my pebble!"


07-25-2017, 09:44 AM
I understand that. Not sure I could doge an attack as easily as I did back then either (That was after all like 50+ years ago) but the method does work.

I mean why should I work up a sweat and risk injury counter attackign when a handy dandy brick wall is willing to do it for me? Took out 3 bullies with non-violent defrense I did... Best fight I've ever been in.. They never touched me.. They just "Hit the wall". (A trem used by runners. but in this case it is literal).

07-25-2017, 04:58 PM
I beat a bully with a chain once. Seemed to get the desired result.

Another time I bloodied a kids nose with my forehead.

All the other times I ran away.

But seriously Carl, you have worked a lifetime to achieve this honor. Congrats are in order.

07-25-2017, 05:40 PM
Carl, you have worked a lifetime to achieve this honor. Congrats are in order.

Thank you, Wade.