View Full Version : Help finding Durham, NC camping spot

02-03-2008, 05:01 PM
I'm scheduled for a week long trip to Camp Butner, just north of Durham this May.Does anyone know of any campgrounds in the area? I've checked into the state parks but they lock the roads from 6PM untill 8AM and I need to be on the road ever day before 7 so that screws that up. :cool:
Any help would be appreciated.

02-04-2008, 08:38 AM
If you are just overnighting, consider Truck Stops or Large store lots, Flying-J (Go to the web site today and apply for an RV-Card), Cracker Barrel (You can have supper/breakfast), Loves, Pilot, TA, even K-mart, Costco, Sams or Wall Mart, many of these stores allow overnight parking (NOTE: Some do not due to state or local regulations/laws prohibiting)

But for overnighting, they are decent

If you plan on staying a day or two... Well, then Microsoft Streets & Trips has Woodall's camp ground guide included so just find anything in the neighborhood of where you want to stop, choose "Find nearby places" and make sure Campgrounds is selected in the VIEW menu

02-04-2008, 01:30 PM
Before giving up on the state parks, ask them if they would allow you to leave early in the AM. Some state parks I know of (in Texas) will allow someone that is staying a few days (you mentioned a week) to have access to the combination lock on the gate to leave early /arrive late. They really cant lock people in a night (might be an emergency) so they often give out the gate combination to campers. Promise to lock the gate after you go thru and they usually will work with you. Doesn't hurt to ask.

02-04-2008, 09:33 PM
Art, there is a campground in Durham called Birchwood Park, office phone 919-493-1557 address is 5901 Wilkens Dr. Durham N.C. 27705. I haven't been there in a couple of years, it is combined with a Moble Home Park. sites were ok, clean, and quiet. Rate was about $22.00 per night and they didn't have a weekly rate so you didn't get a discount. Not a lot of parks around there, one at Chapel Hill-- Spring Hill Park 919-967-4268 that I think is decent, one in Hillsborough that I wouldn't reccomend to any one. Thats about all the help I can be, good luck with your trip.


02-05-2008, 10:44 AM
well, A call to the state parks shot them outta of the picture. The trip is to compete in a rifle match and park regs prohibit firearms within the park. I can't go to a rifle match without rifles!
Next is to check with Birchwood. Thanks for the help and suggestions.