View Full Version : Fresh water tank

08-04-2018, 08:26 AM
Hi all
Just wondering how often to sanitize fresh water tank?Last time i filled the tank was in May.We only have well water here.no chlorine.water tested once a year.
Maybe a good test would be to fillup a glass and do the smell and taste test?

08-05-2018, 11:43 AM
Maybe a good test would be to fill up a glass and do the smell and taste test?

The taste test would be definitive: if you get sick and die after tasting the water, it needed sanitizing. That, however, may not be acceptable.

I live in my motor home full-time, and never sanitize the tank. Instead, I use it continuously. I am nearly always hooked up to city water, and always have my water pump on to enforce a minimum water pressure. Every time I shower, the pump runs to give me good pressure no matter how poor the city-water pressure is; I'd guess that about half or more of the water I use has gone through my tank, and I have to fill it about every ten days (it's a 91-gallon tank); so the water never gets old in the tank. I wear out a pump every three or four years; it takes about ten minutes to install a new one after I put PowerPoles on it.

When I started doing this, I sanitized the tank with a gallon of Clorox the first time I filled it; drained and refilled a couple times to get rid of the Clorox; then had it tested. Nice and clean. Tested again in a week, then in two weeks, then a month, then about three months -- all perfectly safe. So I stopped worrying, since nothing was growing in the tank, and now I test about once a year.

Works for me. Your mileage may vary.

08-07-2018, 01:47 PM
i only use my fresh water tank when on the road to flush the toilet and to wash my hands. We use bottled water for cooking and drinking. When parked we use camp water for bathing. Having work at several campgrounds I do not trust their water supplies. I work at one that poured Clorox in their well.

08-07-2018, 06:28 PM
i only use my fresh water tank ... to flush the toilet and to wash my hands. ... When parked we use camp water for bathing.

I think you're behaving wisely. I never drink camp water, nor cook with it; that applies, also, of course, to my own tank water.

I drink and cook with distilled water from the grocery store -- I regard bottled drinking water as certainly poisonous; distilled water is much cheaper and much purer. I wash dishes, and bathe, and brush my teeth, with camp water (and with my tank water, which of course is camp water), but immediately rewash with mouthwash. So far, I survive.

08-07-2018, 07:39 PM
I sanitize the fresh water system using ordinary PLAIN Clorox bleach in the spring at the start of the season. My camper sits idle a lot.

When my fresh water tank is not in use it is bone dry.