View Full Version : Full Eclipse of the Moon

02-19-2008, 07:33 AM
On the AM radio on the drive in this morning they were talking about a full eclipse of the moon visable from Atlanta Wednesday night. Don't know why they threw in the visable from Atlanta part, since there is only one moon, and most every body can see it...unless maybe your on the daylight side of the planet?

Anyway, thought all you astronomy buffs would want to know about it.

02-19-2008, 06:28 PM

If you are in an area without clouds, you will get a bonus this time. Saturn will lie near the full moon and at totality it should be very bright.

Not everyone in the world will see this eclipse. This is the 3rd one in 12 months but the only one completely visible from coast to coast her in the USA. You have to be along the path of totality in order to see a complet eclipse.

Suppose to be cloudy here, but maybe it will clear enough to watch part of it. Get out and enjoy the wonders of nature.

73's and happy camoing,

02-20-2008, 07:41 AM
Don't know why they threw in the visable from Atlanta part,

You were listening to an Atlanta radio station of course

An eclipse is not always visible from all over.. For example it is a fairly good bet that if it's visible from Atlanta... It won't be visible from Sidney Australia

02-20-2008, 06:37 PM
It will be hit or miss here, partly cloudy so will see if it works out for us. I have the batteries in my camera charged and telescope cooling down outside right now.

Andy N1ORK
02-21-2008, 05:22 AM
Missed it, too many clouds down here in Venice, FL. Oh well, maybe in 2010.

02-21-2008, 06:03 AM
Got to see part of the eclipse here in PA...went to bed...4:00AM comes awful early to get up...they are really neat to watch...

02-21-2008, 07:36 AM
Party cloudy conditions here, high thin stuff that moved quickly. If you couldn't see it, then come back in 10 minutes and the sky would be clear.

Rapidly moving high thin clouds combined with the red tint of the moon created an effect that made the moon appear to be burning like a hot coal in a campfire. Now that was really cool to see! Didn't watch the whole thing, went to bed about 11:00.