View Full Version : ORR Status Members PLEASE read

05-04-2008, 06:58 PM
Well Radio is aware of my pending financial situation and now I will share it with all.

This coming August my Wife is losing her job it seems at this time after 30 years on the job. Websites/forums are a hobby of mine that I truly enjoy and I have spent many dollars on them. But and we all know the buttssss

Coming soon my play money will be going away and the wife has spoken. '"Find a way to pay for them or close them"

So I have added a donation link to the site and we are looking for ways to cover our small cost per year to keep this site alive.

If you would like to donate good, If you have better ideas please let us know.

Donations can be done by paypal or pm Radio or myself for an address to help cover our small cost.

I have paid the software license and that will hold us for years but the monthly server here at ORR cost about 10.00 per month

We were on a VERY expensive server at 130.00 per month and I have moved us to a newere/faster cost less. I do own/partner several sites and each are working to find ways to stay alive when I lose my play money.

All donations will be made public as this is my hobby and I am in no way trying to make money here. I will also post the montly cost in addition to the server when they occur. I feel that with 18 to 20 members per day we shoul be able to find that 10.00 per month we need. I prefer not to have sites with banner adds as I personally hate them.

Sorry and hope my post makes sense.


Andy N1ORK
05-04-2008, 07:46 PM
Glad to help Mike. This is one of the few sites/forums that I really enjoy. Great group of folks here! How long from donation to your getting it? Is there a prossessing time?

05-04-2008, 08:14 PM
Glad to help Mike. This is one of the few sites/forums that I really enjoy. Great group of folks here! How long from donation to your getting it? Is there a prossessing time?

Click on the PayPal link on the home page. Mike should see the funding almost same day. And thanks in advance for helping out. :radio:

05-04-2008, 08:32 PM
Thanks Andy got yours and will set up a box tonight with the Names and a thread showing the financials for the site.

Thanks, Mike

05-05-2008, 08:41 AM
Mike I'm unable to donate at this time however will put you on my list.

PM me for a suggestion (And how I hope to respond to said list)

05-05-2008, 01:40 PM
OK, you have mine. You caught me with some extra cash. :)
SRI to hear about the job loss. I know how that is. :(
We were doing just fine many years ago and got caught up in a base closure for DoD. I retired early with penalties and my wife was out of work for a year.
We traveled some 3000 miles before she got back with Civil Service to finish her retirement up.
On top of that times are tough.
We are looking at full timing and the costs are up there. Tight budget but we are going to try it anyway.
Hope the donations keep coming and the site stays alive. :radio:

05-11-2008, 12:20 PM
Wow, no new donations in some time.
I guess this site is destined to go away. :(

05-11-2008, 12:57 PM
Yeah, price of gas and all that. :rolleyes:

It would be a shame to shut down and not even make it the first year. Especially when the pay-pal takes so little time and you can donate as little as $5. About like renting a movie. Or tipping a waitress.