View Full Version : marine fcc license for "land" use

11-24-2007, 11:04 PM
Just a question about Marine FCC license.

Could a person get the FCC Marine radio license for use on-shore, to communicate with leisure craft off shore?

I had been thinking of getting the marine band license for a couple of reasons.
First off would be for search and rescue/ARES type situations. I live near a lake where they ocasionally have to search the water for people. I thought that would be beneficial for communication with boats from a "command post" area.
The second would be purely recreational, communicating with my non-ham brother-in-law while he is out in his boat.

So, I guess my question is, Could the FCC marine license be obtained for use on land??

Dave, KD8EBL

11-25-2007, 07:29 AM
You would think, logicly, that as long as one of the stations was a ship/boat then use of the marine band would be correct. The coast guard talks to ships from shore all the time. I suspect but don't know for sure you're right on this one.

Anyway, welcome :hello: to the forum


11-26-2007, 10:09 AM
I am told elsewhere that you can not use a marine "Ship to Shore" on a land based mobile.

How true this is, I have not verified, but you can go to the FCC web site and download the proper section of the rules and regulations (Not having a marine radio or license I can not tell you WHAT "part" to download) but I can tell you it is www.fcc.gov

Doug in Bermuda
11-26-2007, 10:57 AM
I am a boater as well as RVer. By the letter of the law the only shore stations using marine VHF/SSB will be organizations such as USCG, bridge tenders etc. It is not unusual for other shore stations to us the marine bands such as commercial operators, tourboat companies & such. Privately many boat owners use a handheld VHF to keep in touch with 'mothership' during shore excursions.

As long as the frequency is not abused i.e. extensive idle chatter or children playing it is not likely anyone in officialdom will complain.

11-26-2007, 09:45 PM
Thanks for the info. I suppose I should go to the fcc site (30 minutes after the tylenol to let it kick in) and start rummaging.

01-18-2008, 08:19 PM
As far as I know only marinas that deal with boaters can use marine radios from shore.

01-19-2008, 06:16 PM
Thanks for the info. I suppose I should go to the fcc site (30 minutes after the tylenol to let it kick in) and start rummaging.

You mean Percocet ? Don't you:think:

Manual Garcia O'Kely
04-10-2008, 01:31 PM
You have to be a marina, or boat shop of some sort for VHF, I sort of assume a similar license requrement for shore stations on HF - even commercial ships relayed messages thru commercial shore stations - search out KPH on google for a look at that type of operation.

It may be loosely enforced like all FCC regs but there ARE regulations.

One Country Boy
06-08-2008, 01:06 PM
I'm of the opinion the FCC Rules as applies to Marine Radio is very loosely enforced. Only if the operator is causing malicious interference to the Goast Guard or others. In our area they are used almost like CB Radios, for deer hunting, mobile to home communications, etc... I have heard of NO enforcement.

06-08-2008, 05:27 PM
Don't try using them along the Mexcian Border.
They monitor all kinds of freqs here with the illegalls and drug trades.
You may find yourself being hunted down by an agency far worse than the FCC.:jitter: