View Full Version : Saying hello to all

01-12-2009, 07:56 PM
My name is John and along with my wife, Pat, I reside in Debary Florida.
I happened across this site while researching antenna installations on RVs. It seemed to be just the ticket so I signed up.
We have been involved in Rving since the '70s and over the years we have had Pickup campers, tag along trailers, Class C and Class A motorhomes.
Presently we have an "06 Yellowstone 36FSK Fith wheel and a 1997 Dodge 3500 deisel as a tow vehicle. I am working on getting my Radio gear into the rig in preperation for our eventual Full timing adventure.
I have already gleaned some good information from the site and I hope I will have somethings to post in the near future. I the meantime, Cya on the Radio

01-12-2009, 08:07 PM

Welcome John and Pat to ORR.net!

Lot's of good stuff and friendly people so make yourself at home. Advise Pat of our yet unused YL forum...the girls are out there lurking I suspect. Don't be shy, feel free to jump right in!

Andy N1ORK
01-12-2009, 08:24 PM
Welcome aboard John and Pat!:welcome:
You'll like it here and I'm sure you'll pick up and deposit alot of good info. I'm not an RV'er any more, we did tents,:redtent: pop-up, travel-trailer:rv:, and now have a park model at a seasonal in Freedom, NH. But we still enjoy this site because of the great people here. Hope to hear you on the air :mic: when we get our net going.
Andy - n1ork

One Country Boy
01-12-2009, 09:18 PM
Welcome John and Pat,

Sent you a welcome PM earlier today and thanks for the response. It's good to have a new Floridian on board as well. Maybe you can help us get coordinated with some hf skeds.

I see we have a new Georgia member signed up today also. It's nice to see the forum growing. We Florida boys can't let the Georgia guys out number us.:poke:

01-12-2009, 10:41 PM
Hi John/Pat
Welcome and you will find lots of good info and great people on the site here at ORR. I have been working here in South Florida for the last year or so and living (and Hamming!!) out of my RV. Enjoy and 73
Mark, W3ZI

01-13-2009, 03:36 PM
Welcome aboard! I am just a weekend camper, but hope to RV full-time after DW retires. We have an old class C that we keep running, but will move up to a 6th wheel and truck eventually.

You learn plenty here and it's a great place to belong.

02-04-2009, 03:34 PM
John and Pat,
Welcome aboard. With the temp here in Eastern Tennessee in the low 20s, Florida is sounding mighty good to me!