View Full Version : Fuel prices - Gas Vs. Diesel ?

One Country Boy
05-29-2009, 05:20 AM
There was a thread about this last summer. I was curious what the prices are in other area of the country. I paid $2.299 for diesel in Panama City yesterday. That is the lowest current price I've seen in this area. Low octane gasoline was the same price at this outlet. Other places in the area were selling diesel for $2.499 and gas the same. Gasoline and diesel seem to be at the same rate this year. Last year, in most places, diesel was about a buck higher a gallon. I recall paying as high as $5.50/gallon for diesel in N. Georgia and Western NC later in the summer last year.

What are your local prices at the pump please ?

Andy N1ORK
05-29-2009, 06:23 AM
Gas prices for 87 octane in CT run from $2.45 to $2.59/g. In NH, $2.28 to $2.39. Diesel runs about 30c higher in each state. That's why we use the Prius when traveling long distances. Getting a 46mpg average between winter and summer.
Andy - n1ork

05-29-2009, 08:47 AM
I paid $2.799 for 87 Regular yesterday and the Diesel was $2.399. For many years in the past, Diesel was more expensive than Premium gas. Think the highest I seen Diesel last year was $5.899 and 87 Regular was $4.299. These are at the so-called CutRate stations. Go to Shell, Chevron, 76, etc and expect to pay 20-40 cents more a gallon. What is funny is that the main refindery is only about 100 miles away and we pay more than folks do farther away... havent ever understood that theory before...

05-29-2009, 01:08 PM
Here in South LA at the local Murphy station (Walmart) 87 was 2.29 while Diesel was running 2.15. Diesel had been down to 2.09 for almost a month prior to last week. I was thrilled that I could fill up for less than a gasser.

05-31-2009, 06:19 PM
Gas prices for 87 octane in CT run from $2.45 to $2.59/g. In NH, $2.28 to $2.39. Diesel runs about 30c higher in each state. That's why we use the Prius when traveling long distances. Getting a 46mpg average between winter and summer.
Andy - n1ork

about same in RI too :), gas, that is

I'll be heading to Richmond,VA for a gradustion next weekend so will get a taste of prices down that way; and then 2 wks later will go to FL via Cincy to collect 2 brothers to visit our Dad for Fathers day....gonna get to add some miles to the MH

05-31-2009, 10:39 PM
Oh man what a day makes....Went to church this morning and diesel was up to 2.15
This evening on our way back up town, same station diesel was 2.29 Glad I filled up last week.

One Country Boy
06-01-2009, 03:39 AM
I haven't really done anymore checking since I made the first post. I'll look around today. The prices are about as fluid as the product.

Andy N1ORK
06-01-2009, 07:56 PM
Came back from NH on MOnday. Gas was running 2.37/gal +/- 5 cents. Also saw that diesel was running about 5c less than gas.
Andy - n1ork

06-02-2009, 02:14 AM
$2.79 on the west side of I-805 when I went to the post office at 1530hrs. Same price on the east side. Went to have dinner came back at 1755 drove past both stations, Gas was at $2.98 cash or credit on east side, west side it was $2.97 cash $3.17 credit. Went by a station 2 miles west of the freeway $2.69 cash or credit.:jitter:

One Country Boy
06-11-2009, 09:13 AM
We paid $2.499 yesterday for diesel in Panama City, that was 6 cents less than the lowest octane gasoline. This was at an off the path fuel stop. Diesel is probably 5 to 10 cents higher at some of the other more traveled routes, that's the way it normally runs.

06-11-2009, 11:06 AM
$2.599 here at cut-rate place.......otherwise, the rip off Shell, Chevron, 76 are anywhere from $2.899 to $3.099 yesterday.
Regular gas is $2.899 at cut-rate........others and +$3.00 now. It doesnt help paying that +10% state tax either, and it will get worse down the road.

06-11-2009, 11:59 PM
Diesel up to 2.39 at wallyworld this evening. 87 octane 2.49. Summer is a coming.

Andy N1ORK
06-12-2009, 06:10 AM
In NH, gas is 2.51 to 2.59. Diesel is about 5 to 7 cents cheaper. A little higher in CT and ME.

One Country Boy
06-12-2009, 09:38 AM
When I see those West Coast prices it sure makes me feel better.

One Country Boy
06-23-2009, 11:28 PM
Paid $2.659 for diesel today in Panama City at a BP station. Regular gasoline was about a penny more. This was at one of the stores that normally sells at the low end prices. Looking back at my 6/11/09 post, I paid $2.499 at this same merchant.

06-24-2009, 09:14 AM
$2.699 at Cutrate place yesterday........$3.059 at Chevron across the street. Needless to say, Chevron stalls were empty. Reg gas is $2.959 at Cutrate also.

One Country Boy
06-25-2009, 02:32 PM
$2.699 at Cutrate place yesterday........$3.059 at Chevron across the street. Needless to say, Chevron stalls were empty. Reg gas is $2.959 at Cutrate also.

Florida is catching up to the west coast prices. Actually they probably already have. Florida is south of my QTH. The Florida below us is totally different than where we're located. Hi Hi

Bill Baxter
07-05-2009, 10:35 PM
Last week, 30 June and 1 July. Low diesel price $2.37 on Us 202 in NJ outside Flemington. Typical price in NJ was 2.42 to 2.53. CT was 2.75. NH 2.58 (Seabrook). Maine 2.64 Randolph, Richmond. Gas prices were any where from $.04 to $.10 higher per gallon. I didn't have much else to do on the speed run down on Tuesday for Sister in law's funeral then back on Wednesday. And yes took the car. Fuel average MPG 47+ from the 2002 Jetta diesel with 150+K miles.

One Country Boy
07-06-2009, 12:52 AM
Last week, 30 June and 1 July. Low diesel price $2.37 on Us 202 in NJ outside Flemington. Typical price in NJ was 2.42 to 2.53. CT was 2.75. NH 2.58 (Seabrook). Maine 2.64 Randolph, Richmond. Gas prices were any where from $.04 to $.10 higher per gallon. I didn't have much else to do on the speed run down on Tuesday for Sister in law's funeral then back on Wednesday. And yes took the car. Fuel average MPG 47+ from the 2002 Jetta diesel with 150+K miles.

Sorry to hear about the sister-in-law Bill.

OK on the Jetta Diesel, that's good milage. The diesel prices here have actually dropped somewhat. I think I paid about $2.509 a fews day back at one of the mid-range priced convenience stores.

Nice to see you Bill.


07-06-2009, 10:34 PM
Diesel hanging on right at 2.49 no matter where you go. Couple of cents higher up by the interstate (I-10). Regular anywhere from 2.60 down to 2.45.