View Full Version : Well the hard part is done

08-10-2009, 10:45 AM
Coax now runs from under the Counter top in my rear Kitchen rig to the Back of the ladder. I used the Shakespear RG8X no solder connectors (Ive had great luck with them) on both ends. The Ladder end is Zip Tied to the ladder and I put black electrical on it for travel protection.

Now to the antenna .. I have a 4btv and would love to get an MFJ-1904 ground plane and stake or do I go with proam whips I have on a quick disconnect on the ladder. Or Can I mount the 4btv right to the ladder

Decisions, decisions. UGH.

One Country Boy
08-10-2009, 10:49 PM
You can't go wrong with more height, so the top of the ladder may be the best choice unless you plan to use something different. If you should use the ladder, I would recommend grounding it well, if it is not grounded. My ladder was not grounded at all and I recently added a ground strap to the quick disconnect mount and grounded it to the frame. I have seen an amazing difference using my 75 meter hamstick. I've not tried it on other bands yet but will very soon. Good luck with it.
