View Full Version : How About Adding Twitter?
11-20-2010, 10:59 AM
I recently found Twitter, and I am hooked on it. It is a simple social networking forum, and it seems to be catching on with hams all over the country. In fact, many of us hams who comunicate via Twitter also have a weekly EchoLink net. More information on the Ham Twit Net (
I have found that when I copy this site's URL and post it on Twitter, 20-30 visitors instantly show up on the site and check out the thread that I linked them to. If you enabled a "Tweet This" button on posts and pages, it would be much easier for users to invite others to check out an interesting portion of this site.
Instructions for installing "Tweet This (" on vBulletin here
Just my :2cents:
01-06-2011, 07:02 PM
Any thoughts on this?
01-07-2011, 05:00 AM
Let me get with Greg and Mike and see what we can do.
I'm not the vBulletin genius I aught to be. But if will pick up traffic, I'm for it.
01-07-2011, 10:24 AM
Twitter... This brings up a question.. Are those who use Twitter.. Twits?
Twitter is way for cell phone companies to maximize the profit from short message service... Which on my phone.. is disabled.
01-07-2011, 03:59 PM
I have begun discussions with the elders about adding Twitter and YouTube features to the forums. It depends on if we can get it done for no cost, that means not upgrading the site software.
01-12-2011, 09:08 AM
Twitter... This brings up a question.. Are those who use Twitter.. Twits?
Twitter is way for cell phone companies to maximize the profit from short message service... Which on my phone.. is disabled.
Yes...we are twits.
01-12-2011, 01:28 PM
I am not really into that much computer stuff, unless it directly has a ham element to it.
I mean I can socially connect any time I want with the radio.
01-12-2011, 01:32 PM
Twitter... This brings up a question.. Are those who use Twitter.. Twits?
Twitter is way for cell phone companies to maximize the profit from short message service... Which on my phone.. is disabled.
Everything but national calling is disabled on mine. I got it so I could talk to those not into ham radio.
I have other ways of involving myself with the internet and don't use them as much.
I do go to certain boards to talk to others such as diabetic boards etc.
01-12-2011, 05:19 PM
I am not really into that much computer stuff, unless it directly has a ham element to it. I mean I can socially connect any time I want with the radio.
To clarify, I am not proposing in this thread that anyone should get themselves involved with Twitter. I am only suggesting that by adding a small "Tweet This" icon to the open roads site, users who prefer to share information on Twitter, and those who have existing (free) accounts on Twitter, can click the "Tweet This" icon to share a link to any specific portion of this site. It is an easy way to invite others to the site and share information. It is also an easy and effective means of spreading the word about ham radio, and piquing others' interests.
However...Twitter does directly have a ham element to it. See the following links:
HamFeed: The New Ham Repeater on Twitter: (
5 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Dec 30, 2008 Article: HamFeed: The New Ham Repeater on Twitter: - was released several months ago as a Ham Radio newsfeed aggregator (
HamTwits (
"New ham users of Twitter should be directed to HamTwits. That's the proper way to find other hams to follow." - Dave Stark, NF2G ( (
Join the Ham Radio QSO with us! Check the hashtag we use: #HamTwitNet. You'll also find other Hams on Twitter by checking the #hamr, #arrl, and #hamradio (
Ham Radio Growing In The Age Of Twitter : NPR (
Apr 5, 2010 ... Despite Facebook, Twitter, iPhones and other cutting-edge communication technologies, an increasing number of people are staying in touch (
Hams on Twitter | Random Thoughts (
May 24, 2008 ... Looks like I am finding a population of Ham Radio Operators on Twitter. If any Hams use twitter, use any of the following to get noticed.
Surfin': Twitter, Facebook and Ham Radio (
Dec 4, 2009 ... Hams may also use Twitter as a tool to broadcast DX and contest alerts. ... According to Dave Stark, NF2G, "New ham users of Twitter should (
01-12-2011, 06:21 PM
I think that the twitter button idea is a good one! Our twitter followers tend to enjoy reading here on the ORR site when we tweet links to the site.
Twitter is not something that you have to use on your cell phone... you can check it out and tweet directly from the internet on your computer. I've met some hams and enjoyed QSOs with many from other countries by setting them up on twitter. Our son, KE5ZRS, has actually made a friend from his own age group by signing up on twitter. We are gaining interest in amateur radio from the younger crowd by being versatile enough to learn and do something new.
One thing about it.........all the #coolhams are on twitter...and can be here too...
So no one here has to become a "twit"...they just have to be willing to allow others to read what is written here. It is really no different than sharing through facebook, myspace, stumble-upon, delicious, or even google tags.
One Country Boy
01-16-2011, 09:47 PM
I do have a Twitter accoount, but have not used it in ages. I never got into it like I have FaceBook. It is an excellant way to spread the word about ORR. There is an ORR site of page on FaceBook and it needs more use.
I'll have to go back and check Twiter out. It's been so long I'll be lost.
02-15-2011, 05:19 PM
New things Coming!
We have a new administrator/guru on staff! We hope to add many new features such as the "Tweet This" button, video options and other neat things you have asked for.
This is going to be a great improvement to the site that will make it easier to invite visitors!
02-15-2011, 07:42 PM
It's been so long I'll be lost.[/QUOTE]
It's easier than riding a bike! Hope to see you tweeting soon!:jitter:
08-09-2011, 04:44 PM
Attention KE5ZRT & KE5ZRU...
Getting Twitter running is on our list of things to do. I found the "hooks" for it. We may need a Twitter "moderator/administrator"...are you guys game for that?
08-12-2011, 08:51 AM
My original suggestion was to add a "share this" or "tweet this" button to each thread to allow easier sharing of site content by individual ORR users through social media. However, an ORR Twitter account is a good idea also.
I currently maintain 3 twitter accounts- 2 of them are personal accounts and 1 is for our amateur radio emergency service group. I/We might be able to run a fourth account for you. What are your expectations of me?
08-12-2011, 10:02 AM
What are your expectations of me?
I'm not too sure just yet. Twitter is on our list of things to do. Right now we are trying to filter out Chinese search engines and various hacker IP addresses without cutting into legitimate audience. (fine line, there) When we get that figured out, then I'll advise. I 'm hoping for a hands-free operation, but if you are going to input into twitter, then it would make sense you'd have to sigh up with them.
The next major project is the "favorite links page" and there will be a sections for clubs and such. Since you have a link to on your club site, you get a reciprocal link back. Please PM me the URL.
One we get the link page rolling where I can manage it on my own, then we will turn to social media.
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