View Full Version : New Fleetwood Encounter & Tow Vehicle

One Country Boy
04-01-2011, 11:25 AM
Hi Guys and Gals,

I finally talked the wife into trading. This is a left over 2010 Fleetwood Encounter we took possession of a couple of weeks ago. Have not been out camping in it yet but looking forward to hitting the road in it. I think it will get much mmore use then the 5th wheel did and F250 did.

It brings about new questions of antennas, radio mounts, etc. You know what I'm talking about. Here's a few pics and I'll be looking for information from you motorhome owners.


One Country Boy
04-01-2011, 11:33 AM
We really lucked up on this deal. A 2007 Jeep Wrangler, V-6, 4WD, 6 speed standard transmission. Only 22K mile on it. Looks like new. We know the previous owner and it has not been abused.

Not much a place for mounting radios though. Ideas are welcome. I've wanted a Jeep since i was a teen. All things come with time.:radio:

One Country Boy
04-01-2011, 11:35 AM
Oh yes, you Jeep guys. What does the Wrangler "X" mean? All sorts of Wranglers I guess. I wanted a hard top and was lucky to find one. No mounting of antennas ontop though.

I still have to order the base plate and wiring harness. Most excited I've been inawhile.:bounce:

04-01-2011, 11:47 AM
Verrrrrrrry nice, congratulations.

I guess I should read all new posts before I comment on any. :hammer:

That sure looks like a real nice rig! Good luck with it and many happy trouble free miles ahead.

Now you can have fun installing your station and personalizing the coach to your liking.

Don't know what the X on the Jeep means, but you can probably find out by Googling.

JIM :havefun:

04-01-2011, 11:52 AM
FWIW, I use a Roadmaster tow bar and the M&G engineering brake assembly and yes you do need brakes on the "toad".

JIM :)

04-01-2011, 02:58 PM
Very nice looking coach and toad!

A member of our local club has a two wheel dolly for sale if you're interested: http://www.k4fc.com/Members/Tailgate.htm (his contact info is on the ad if you want to contact him for more information)


One Country Boy
04-01-2011, 03:29 PM
Very nice looking coach and toad!

A member of our local club has a two wheel dolly for sale if you're interested: http://www.k4fc.com/Members/Tailgate.htm (his contact info is on the ad if you want to contact him for more information)


I appreciate the info Doug. I got them to throw in a new Blue Ox towbar and I just ordered the base plate and wiring harness kit for the Jeep today. Thank you for the info though.

One Country Boy
04-01-2011, 03:33 PM
Verrrrrrrry nice, congratulations.

I guess I should read all new posts before I comment on any. :hammer:

That sure looks like a real nice rig! Good luck with it and many happy trouble free miles ahead.

Now you can have fun installing your station and personalizing the coach to your liking.

Don't know what the X on the Jeep means, but you can probably find out by Googling.

JIM :havefun:

Thank you Jim. As I was telling Doug, they did throw in a new Blue Ox tow bar. I just have to furnish the other side.

I read and hear all types of pros & cons on the toad braking. It does seem it would be safer to have a braking kit in the toad. What kind of vehicle do you pull Jim? I think this Jeep only weighs like 3500 lbs.

Andy N1ORK
04-01-2011, 06:09 PM
Great looking rig and toad Jim! I'm sure you'll both have lots of great times with them. We'll be interested to see the ham set up inside soon.
Andy - n1ork

04-01-2011, 11:41 PM
Jim, Blue ox is good too, I was just stating what I had.
FREE is better.
My Toad is in my signature, it's an Chevy Avalanche, 4x4, makes for easy towing.
Not sure on FL, but most states require the brake in the toad.
If you ever have an accident any good lawyer will pick on the fact that you did not have the brake and it's possible your insurance would not cover you if you were not in compliance with your states towing law.
You should also have a brake away brake provision for if your toad comes loose from your tow vehicle. It happens.


04-02-2011, 04:29 PM
Here are a couple links for you.




One Country Boy
04-03-2011, 11:03 AM
Thanks Jim... Now those are what I call LINKS!

04-08-2011, 10:18 AM
Nice looking rig Jim...The wife keeps telling me we should move to a class A.
Did you get rid of the F250 as well?

One Country Boy
04-08-2011, 11:21 AM
Nice looking rig Jim...The wife keeps telling me we should move to a class A.
Did you get rid of the F250 as well?

I did Galen... I hated to walk away from that truck. My wife said I had a tear in my eye. The Jeep helped me get over it though. I like the little Jeep, always wanted one. Not many places to put a radio or antennas though.

One Country Boy
04-13-2011, 10:13 AM
Well I got the baseplate and wiring harness on the Jeep yesterday. Looks like we're almost ready to hit the road for a short trip to try things out.

The guy at Blue Ox tells me the receiver on the MH should be no higher or no lower then 4 inches of the connections to the Jeep. I'm higher then 4 inches. I'm going to check the exact height, call Blue Ox and see which adapter I need.

Anyone had any experience with rhis type thing?

04-13-2011, 08:05 PM
Congratulations on the new rig. You're going to have a blast rigging it and using it. I use a Tarheel 200 screwdriver mounted to the rear ladder on the coach and a Tarheel Junior on the toad. They make a mount that will connect to your trailer hitch on the Jeep. My Icom 736 and IC V8000 sit on the deck in front of the co-pilot chair. I likes my comfort. My screwdriver is mounted on the ladder so that the whip is above the roofline and I remove it while travelling. I have a Larsen thru-glass for the 2 meter while travelling. Works as well as any small 2 meter portable antenna for me. If I am going to be in one place for a couple of months, I have a Comet CHA 250B that I put up on a short telescoping pole that is also attached to the rear ladder. All of my stuff (radios and antennas) are grounded to the frame of the coach with 1 inch flat braid. Makes an excellent ground plane.
A word about brakes on the toad. Braking systems are too inexpensive to risk financial disaster if you are involved in an accident without them. Plus, they really do make a difference in stopping distance, even on a lightweight toad, like a Jeep.
Enjoy the new rig and maybe we'll see you out here on the road.

07 Dip
10 Frontier

One Country Boy
04-15-2011, 12:58 AM
Thank you Doc for the advice and information. It is appreciated.

Speaking of your Tarheel antenna. A friend of mine has a Tarheel or similar antenna mounted to the receiver on the rear of his motor home. Just above the roof line, his steel whip has a 90 degree bend and is horizontal. A few inches, or maybe a foot beneath the 90, he has a capacitance hat. He has very good results with it while in motion and never runs over 100 watts. He has extended the length of the driven element to probably 6 ft after the bend. The longer you can get the radiator the better he says and that makes sense. You just don't want it so long that it droops more than a couple of inches.

Like I say, he has very good results. Is that description as clear as mud?:)

04-15-2011, 08:25 AM
Sounds like something I'm gonna have to try. ;)

04-15-2011, 01:29 PM
Hi Guys and Gals,

I finally talked the wife into trading. This is a left over 2010 Fleetwood Encounter we took possession of a couple of weeks ago. Have not been out camping in it yet but looking forward to hitting the road in it. I think it will get much mmore use then the 5th wheel did and F250 did.

In the immortal words of Clark W. Griswold Sr. "She's a beaut Clark!"

One Country Boy
04-18-2011, 04:06 PM
Thank you Dan, I appreciate it.:hello: In the process right now of loading some clothes and other neccessities for our first trip. We will head over toward Pensacola tomorrow and stay there for a couple of nights. I have an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon Wednesday morning:crutch: and it will save us from having to get up so early and a 3 1/2 to 4 hour drive:driver:. When I get done there I dunno where we will go. I'll let the wife decide. It probably will not be very far for our first outing. We will probably be home by the end of the weekend.

The ONLY thing I regret is not having all my ham gear already mounted and onboard. It will take a little time, but I'll get there.:mic: Hi Hi... I will stick the HF rig in the bottom of the closet, just incase I get a chance to mount a Ham Stick. I'll take the new handheld, one of the 2 meter rigs and a mag-mount antenna. That should get me through my withdrawals. Hi Hi... I need to get the programming software installed on the laptop also. I'm glad I reminded myself of that.

One Country Boy
04-18-2011, 04:07 PM
Oops, looks like I need to re-work my signature. Hi Hi

04-20-2011, 07:02 PM
Yeah, I was wondering! :poke:

JIM :)