View Full Version : In remembrance

09-11-2011, 08:06 AM
On this September 11, lets all take a moment and remember all those that were killed in the attack on our country 9/11/01 and all the defenders of our freedom that have given their lives in the service of our country since then.
I was in a plane on my way to a conference in LA when we were diverted to Lubbock on that morning. I spent the next 2 days in a Holiday Inn watching the news. The airports were deserted, no traffic on the roads, everyone was in shock. I had a rental car from Avis and they told me to take the car and go home. No charge. There were many acts of kindness on those first days. Our country came together and our president promised to avenge the deaths of all those that lost their lives that day. He kept his word.
Now, 10 years later, let's never forget.

09-13-2011, 04:13 PM
The various remembrances brought it all back, just as it was 10 years ago. I went around in a distracted fog as I did back then.

We had a guest speaker at our church Saturday night (Sept 10) Rear Admiral Debra Lowery who was in charge if the "situation room" at the White House under President Bush. She was with him in Florida on 9/11 and was his link to the White House all that day. She related to us the events of that day in words and pictures.

That was really something to sit and listen to.