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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Generic Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:jitter: Jitter Jitter
:bounce: Bounce Bounce
:whistle: whistle whistle
:24: 24_hour_rule 24_hour_rule
:beer: Have a beer Have a beer
:waggle: Waggle Fingers Waggle Fingers
:) Smile Smile
:bag: Bag of Shame Bag of Shame
:poke: Poke w/Stick Poke w/Stick
:headphones: headphones headphones
:hello: Hello There! Hello There!
:radio: radio radio
:2cents: Two Cents Woth Two Cents Woth
;) Wink Wink
:hands: hands hands
:worthy: I'm not worthy I'm not worthy
:welcome: Welcome Sign Welcome Sign
:D Big Grin Big Grin
:giggle: giggle giggle
:green: Green Bouncer Green Bouncer
:cowboy: Cowboy Cowboy
:kiss: kiss kiss
:drink: Drink Drink
:drill: Drill Sargent Drill Sargent
:smokey: Smokey Cool Smokey Cool
:cheer: The Cheerleader The Cheerleader
:cool: Cool Cool
:hisign: Hi Sign Hi Sign
:hi: Wave Hello Wave Hello
:clap: clap clap
:think: Trying to Think Trying to Think
:pray: Prayers Needed Prayers Needed
:hide: I'm hiding! I'm hiding!
:idea: Big Idea Big Idea
:book: Read the Book Read the Book
:o Embarrassment Embarrassment
:( Frown Frown
:confused: Confused Confused
:eek: EEK! EEK!
:mad: Mad Mad
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
:p Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue
:spank: Needs to be Spanked Needs to be Spanked
:wall: wall wall
:violin2: Violin Bash on Head Violin Bash on Head
:violin: violin violin
:sleep: sleep sleep
:rabbit: Sarcastic Rabbit Sarcastic Rabbit
:baby: baby baby
:hammer: Hammer Head Hammer Head
:screwy: Screwy Screwy
:rofl: Roll on floor laughing Roll on floor laughing
:fuss: fuss fuss
:drool: Drool Drool
:rain: Bad Mood Bad Mood
:popcorn: Popcorn Popcorn
:bleh: bleh bleh
:fish2: Fishing 2 Fishing 2
:fish: Gone Fishing Gone Fishing
:fire: Campfire Campfire
:camp: Camping Out Camping Out
:redtent: Red Tent Red Tent
:rv: Go RV'ing Go RV'ing
:hippy: Hippy Girl Hippy Girl
:mic: Talking on Mic Talking on Mic
:angel: angel angel
:party: Having a Party Having a Party
:bigmic: Big Microphone Big Microphone
:flag: Flag Smiley Flag Smiley
:wflag: Waving Flag Waving Flag
:money: Money Money
:coldcan: Cold Canada Cold Canada
:canada: Canada Flag Canada Flag
:smash: Smash Computer Smash Computer
:camera: camera camera
:fireman: Fireman Fireman
:cop: The Cop The Cop
:girl: Little Girl Little Girl
:driver: The Driver The Driver
:dog: Dog Dog
:work: Man at work Man at work
:cold: Really Cold Here Really Cold Here
:soap: Get on my Soapbox Get on my Soapbox
:hot: Really Hot Here Really Hot Here
:cateat: A cat eating A cat eating
:beagle: Beagle Beagle
:hamster: Hamster on Wheel Hamster on Wheel
:duck: Duck Duck
:catsyl: Sylvester Sylvester
:cow: Cow Cow
:bigcat: Big Cat Big Cat
:bigfrog: Big Frog Big Frog
:smallfrog: Small Frog Small Frog
:catwalk: Walking Cat Walking Cat
:catsmall: Small Cat Small Cat
:havefun: Have Fun Sign Have Fun Sign
:thank: Thank You Thank You
:oops: OOOPS!! OOOPS!!
:panic: Don't Panic Don't Panic
:sick: sick sick
:pirate: pirate pirate
:eyebrow: evil eyebrow evil eyebrow
:crutch: Feeling Beat Up Feeling Beat Up
:balloon: Balloon Balloon
:alien: alien in a jar alien in a jar
:snoopy: Dancing Snoopy Dancing Snoopy
:limb: Out on a limb Out on a limb
:bananagit: Banana Guitar Banana Guitar
:broc: Dancing Brocolli Dancing Brocolli
:banana4: Wacky Banana 4 Wacky Banana 4
:banana3: Wacky Banana 3 Wacky Banana 3
:woowoo: Woo Woo!! Woo Woo!!
:banana2: Wacky Banana 2 Wacky Banana 2
:elephant: elephant elephant
:banana1: Wacky Banana 1 Wacky Banana 1
:bigcry: Big Cry Big Cry
:bigclap: Big  Clap Big Clap
:tape: Duct Tape Duct Tape
:wd40: WD-40 WD-40
:5: 5 yr cake 5 yr cake
:birthday: Happy Birthday Happy Birthday

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