Thread: How long is it?
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Old 06-14-2015, 02:34 PM   #3
Carl, nn5i
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Let's find out. We can't get a precise answer, but I'll bet we can come close.

On my PC screen, the side toward us is just 7" long. It appears to be slanted away from us by perhaps 15 degrees. So, if it were broadside, it would be (7/(cos 15)) = 7.246" long on the screen.

Except in buildings designed by history's worst architect (Frank Lloyd Wright), doors of all kinds (in the USA) are seven feet tall. The door height is 1.213" on my screen, and there's no foreshortening for these vertical lines, so the scale on my screen is 7/1.213 = 5.77 ft/in.

Thus the total length is about 5.77 * 7.246 = 41.81 feet, fairly closely.

I verified my guess that it's slanted 15 degrees away by a similar calculation involving the apparent width of the front, assuming it's 8 feet wide. I got 14.36 degrees, so takig the angle as 15 degrees introduces much less than 1% error, and I can't measure my screen image to 1% anyway. Angle on the bow is about 75 degrees starboard, for you submarine veterans.

So it seems to be a 42-foot trailer. It's not as long as a big semitrailer (many of them are 53 feet long), but it looks long because it's much less tall than a big semitrailer usually is.

That wasn't very difficult, was it? If your answer is yes, you really shouldn't admit it.
-- Carl
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