Thread: Radio 'shrooms
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Old 01-24-2015, 12:27 AM   #4
Carl, nn5i
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Yah, no surprise. Spell checkers usually have small vocabularies; any word I can't spell isn't going to be in there, so they're useless except for catching my typos, which are many. Besides having small vocabularies, spell checkers don't know which of a set of homonyms to use. They can't choose between two, too, and to, which is a shame because so many people confuse the second and third of these even though they're almost never pronounced the same. That is, to is nearly always just an unstressed t' as in I'm going t' the store, while too is never pronounced that way. Never.

Spell checkers usually know two, too, and to; but I'll bet yours doesn't have the fourth homonym tew which has several meanings but is uncommon.

All spell checkers, like most people, are illiterate.
-- Carl
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