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Old 11-20-2011, 07:28 PM   #1
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Default A Mule in a Pit

I heard a preacher tell this story:

A farmer once had a mule who fell into a deep pit. All efforts to rescue the mule failed. His neighbors said to shoot the mule and they would help bury it there in the pit. The farmer loved the mule and didn't have the heart to shoot it, so it was decided to bury the mule alive.

The neighbors began to shovel and dirt rained down on the hapless mule. But the mule kept shaking the dirt of his back, and as the dirt rose up around his feet he would just step up onto the new dirt. The pit began to fill, the mule began to rise, and in a while, after much effort, the pit was full and the mule walked away.


1. Keep shaking the dirt off your back, no matter how many people are dumping it on you.
2. Keep stepping up, especially when the dirt gets deep.
3. When the pit fills up, just walk away, you will never fall into that particular pit again

And one final thought: Never shoot a mule before his time, just because he happens to be in a pit.
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Old 11-20-2011, 08:35 PM   #2
motorcycle jack
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Posts: 10
Default Hmmm... another mule story

Seems there was this Amish farmer who was going to town with his wife in the farm buggy, being pulled by his new mule. A snake slithered across the road and the mule balked. The farmer stopped the buggy, hopped down from the seat, grabbed a 2 by 4 and hit the mule across the fore head. "That's once!" he yelled.

On the down the road a rabbit ran in front of the mule and again he balked. The farmer jumped down, grabbed the 2 by 4 and hit the mule again. "That's twice!" he yelled. Getting back in they proceeded on down the road.

Farther on down a car honked at the farmer and again the mule balked. The farmer jumped down, grabbed his rifle from the back of the buggy, walked up to the mule, shot it dead and yelled "That's three times!"

As he got bzck in the buggy, his wife says "Why'd you do that now we have no way into town". The farmer turns to his wife and says "That's once!"
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