02-27-2009, 08:17 AM
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A retired gentleman came in one morning in has bathrobe, got a cup of coffee, grabbed the newspaper and headed to his favorite recliner. The wife immediately started naggin' on him about what he was going to do this particular day, to which he responded..."Nothing". She replied. "That is what you did yesterday".
And his response was, "Yeah, I wasn't through!"
Enjoy the day.
2013 HitchHiker Champagne 38RLRSB, 2012 F350 Dually crew cab, 6.7L,
Mobile- Yaesu FT857D w/ Lil' Tarheel II antenna and Larsen dual bander, Turbo Tuner.
Base unit...Kenwood TS480HX, LDG AT200 Pro tuner, Eagle One Vertical and Windom 80 meter dipole.
Standard Schnauzer..her call is K9WOOF
02-27-2009, 11:50 PM
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Very good Ken.... That's what I expect to do tomorrow !!
Jim ~ W4EWA
02-28-2009, 02:23 PM
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We have that conversation here, too!
03-01-2009, 09:18 AM
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Good morning guys,
Went to bed last night with the windows partially open and woke up to 37 degrees this morning. What a drastic change. The wind woke me up during the night, I need to check the annomometer to see what our highest gusts were. They were pretty stiff. Not much rain here but a lot of wind. The temps are suppose to be in the 40's to low 50's all day and back down to high 20's tonight.
I left the HF rig on 3865 KHz most of the day yesterday, listening for Mike. I went in before bedtime to shut things down. I heard a young female voice on. This young lady had checked into the Marconi Net. I think she said she was 14 years old and had received her general class ticket back in December. This yl was located in Alabama, her call KI4YDT. The net control explained to her how nice it was to hear a young voice on the ham bands and really rolled out the red carpet for her, and rightfully so. He went on to explain that the average age of a new ham now days is somewhere in the mid 50's. I think he said 58. I was surprised by that. Once I began to think about it, I see a lot of guys just getting their ham tickets on forums that are in their 50's and 60's. I just never thought about it. Things have changed in ham radio. Back in the 60's and 70's I think the age was probably much younger. Anyway, thought I would mention that. It was refreshing to hear this young lady on-the-air and you could tell she was nervous. I didn't hang around but wish I had to hear the others comments to her.
Have a great day all !! 73,
Jim ~ W4EWA
Wewahitchka, FL
03-01-2009, 12:35 PM
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Thanks for listening out but I was in and out most of the day due to visitors. Seems everytime I went to the shcak someone came by or called on the land line.
Nice to hear the story below. Its sad that we dont have more younger croud. When I got my ticket I was maybe 25 and was as proud of it as I was my drivers license at 16.
Originally Posted by One Country Boy
Good morning guys,
Went to bed last night with the windows partially open and woke up to 37 degrees this morning. What a drastic change. The wind woke me up during the night, I need to check the annomometer to see what our highest gusts were. They were pretty stiff. Not much rain here but a lot of wind. The temps are suppose to be in the 40's to low 50's all day and back down to high 20's tonight.
I left the HF rig on 3865 KHz most of the day yesterday, listening for Mike. I went in before bedtime to shut things down. I heard a young female voice on. This young lady had checked into the Marconi Net. I think she said she was 14 years old and had received her general class ticket back in December. This yl was located in Alabama, her call KI4YDT. The net control explained to her how nice it was to hear a young voice on the ham bands and really rolled out the red carpet for her, and rightfully so. He went on to explain that the average age of a new ham now days is somewhere in the mid 50's. I think he said 58. I was surprised by that. Once I began to think about it, I see a lot of guys just getting their ham tickets on forums that are in their 50's and 60's. I just never thought about it. Things have changed in ham radio. Back in the 60's and 70's I think the age was probably much younger. Anyway, thought I would mention that. It was refreshing to hear this young lady on-the-air and you could tell she was nervous. I didn't hang around but wish I had to hear the others comments to her.
Have a great day all !! 73,
Jim ~ W4EWA
Wewahitchka, FL
03-01-2009, 05:10 PM
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Originally Posted by MRimmer
Thanks for listening out but I was in and out most of the day due to visitors. Seems everytime I went to the shcak someone came by or called on the land line.
Nice to hear the story below. Its sad that we dont have more younger croud. When I got my ticket I was maybe 25 and was as proud of it as I was my drivers license at 16.
It was no problem Michael. I worked several people while on 75 meters. There's a guy in east Tennessee that I hear very often around 1530 hours on his way home from work. He's operating mobile and running about 500 watts. He QSO's with some friends down this way and over in your area almost every day. Has a good signal too.
I'm like you. I think I was as proud of my Ham Ticket as I was my driver's license. I was 21 when I got mine I think. It was a significant day in my life.
We will set up a sked for later this week if you have time.
Jim ~ W4EWA
03-01-2009, 10:19 PM
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I was also about 25 when I got my first ticket, and was quite proud to be a ham too.
03-03-2009, 09:11 AM
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Yep, I was 25 YO when I got my Novice ticket in 1971! I was very excited!
USAF Retired Chief Master Sergeant
Ellen, Copilot
Little Boy, Alvin C, and Lolly Pop our Yorkie Crew.
1997 Holiday Rambler 32 Ft. Vacationer.
No Ham equipment installed.....YET!
03-03-2009, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by jagco
We have that conversation here, too!
My wife, upon my disability retirement said "good now you can do house work", she is still a few years from retirement. I replied, "how about I cook your meals and wash dishes"?
She said "you could clean house too". I said "remember when we were dating"? she said Yea, "what has that got to do with this"?
My response was "remember I never let you see my apartment?" "Yea" She replied. I said "I don't do clean".
Almost a Marine (Army/Navy)
15 months in VietNam (12 Army/3 Navy)
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03-03-2009, 01:31 PM
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Originally Posted by WB4VYH
Yep, I was 25 YO when I got my Novice ticket in 1971! I was very excited!
I got my Tech. ticket Waay back in 2004 at the young age of 52. Something I wanted since I was 10 but never found the time or money. Now I am retired and have lots of time and little money.
Almost a Marine (Army/Navy)
15 months in VietNam (12 Army/3 Navy)
Love to
03-03-2009, 01:35 PM
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Originally Posted by One Country Boy
Good morning guys,
Went to bed last night with the windows partially open and woke up to 37 degrees this morning. What a drastic change. The wind woke me up during the night, I need to check the annomometer to see what our highest gusts were. They were pretty stiff. Not much rain here but a lot of wind. The temps are suppose to be in the 40's to low 50's all day and back down to high 20's tonight.
I left the HF rig on 3865 KHz most of the day yesterday, listening for Mike. I went in before bedtime to shut things down. I heard a young female voice on. This young lady had checked into the Marconi Net. I think she said she was 14 years old and had received her general class ticket back in December. This yl was located in Alabama, her call KI4YDT. The net control explained to her how nice it was to hear a young voice on the ham bands and really rolled out the red carpet for her, and rightfully so. He went on to explain that the average age of a new ham now days is somewhere in the mid 50's. I think he said 58. I was surprised by that. Once I began to think about it, I see a lot of guys just getting their ham tickets on forums that are in their 50's and 60's. I just never thought about it. Things have changed in ham radio. Back in the 60's and 70's I think the age was probably much younger. Anyway, thought I would mention that. It was refreshing to hear this young lady on-the-air and you could tell she was nervous. I didn't hang around but wish I had to hear the others comments to her.
Have a great day all !! 73,
Jim ~ W4EWA
Wewahitchka, FL
Not complaining are you?  We have had highs in the single digits or teens for the last few days and very cold at night.  Can't wait for Spring.
Almost a Marine (Army/Navy)
15 months in VietNam (12 Army/3 Navy)
Love to
03-03-2009, 10:03 PM
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Originally Posted by KC1BUD
Not complaining are you?  We have had highs in the single digits or teens for the last few days and very cold at night.  Can't wait for Spring. 
Everytime I say something about the cold weather I think about you guys in the north Dan. I say to myself, " Self, you have nothing to complain about." Hi Hi... I've had a couple of contacts with hams up north recently and in listening to them, I'm proud to live in the south.
Jim ~ W4EWA
03-04-2009, 08:59 AM
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We lived north of Toronto, Ontario for two very long and cold years. Every time I was shoveling the snow our of the driveway (seemed I was doing this most of the year), I wondered about what a SE TExas boy was doing up here in all of the white stuff. I got back south and do not intend to live like that again. Maybe a VERY short winter visit, but I can even do without that.
I love warm weather.
2013 HitchHiker Champagne 38RLRSB, 2012 F350 Dually crew cab, 6.7L,
Mobile- Yaesu FT857D w/ Lil' Tarheel II antenna and Larsen dual bander, Turbo Tuner.
Base unit...Kenwood TS480HX, LDG AT200 Pro tuner, Eagle One Vertical and Windom 80 meter dipole.
Standard Schnauzer..her call is K9WOOF
03-05-2009, 03:37 PM
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We are feeling a little southern today. It's 50 now and getting into the 60's today. We're supposed to hit 70 tomorrow. Not bad for March in IL.
03-07-2009, 03:12 AM
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I am really in a bind. I no longer like the real cold, but I am not crazy for those late summer days here that approach the 90 and even sometimes the triple digets and 100% humidity.
All thanks to a trip to a south east Asian country some 38 years ago. I like the more moderate temps of the spring and fall.
Almost a Marine (Army/Navy)
15 months in VietNam (12 Army/3 Navy)
Love to
03-07-2009, 09:29 AM
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The weather has been just great here the past couple of days. High of 81 yesterday with lows in the high 40's and sunshine. Wind out of the south, coming off the Gulf of Mexico. Time for me to get out and get my antenna work done, but not today, have a reunion to go to.
A lot of hams gathering near Chipley, FL today at Falling Waters State Park for the annual Falling Watres Picnic. A tradition that has been gong on for 30 years or so.
Everyone remember to set your clocks ahead one hour tonight. Time to start DST again. I thought it would never get here. Have a good weekend folks.
Jim ~ W4EWA
03-07-2009, 05:16 PM
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Friday the 13th we are going camping!  Wish us luck!
Dewinterized the 5th wheel, loaded up scattered stuff and non-perishables. Tossed the TS-570 and a Astron 35M under the bed. Don't know if I'll get on the air or not, my brother and his wife are taking their TT and we're all headed to Red Top Mountain SP.
Give me a 20m freq ya'll like and I'll try to holler at you. He's a ham, too, so maybe the girls will want to go off and do something while we try out the TW-2010 again.
03-08-2009, 01:45 PM
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Friday the 13th has historically been a lucky day for me! You'll be fine camping on it.
We got some hairy weather this morning. I woke up to tornado warnings on my WX radio, so I turned on the 2M for the area nets. Heard of a church being destroyed in one town and some billboards down near another. I'm sure we'll hear more as time goes on. Yesterday, I was thinking it would have been a great weekend to camp....maybe not.
03-09-2009, 08:57 AM
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Good morning all. OK, OK, I'll stop fussing about the cold weather. The high was 86 here yesterday with a low of 54 this morning. It won't be long until we hit the high 90's and the humidity stays at 86%. Hope you have a great time on the up coming Friday the 13th Camping trip Wade. My wife says 13 is her lucky number.
Speaking of warming up, "'spring break" is here for our beaches. Florida DOT put in a couple of new bridges and a flyway across St. Andews Bay to handle the excessive traffic for this time of year. The bridges run between Panama City and Panama City Beach. DOT just turned on their new cameras for traffic watching. Click HERE to take a peek. Doesn't look bad right not but you will see some accideints as the weather gets warmer.
I know with the warmer weather Andy is ready to head back up to his summer hide-out. We have to be in Calera, (think I spelled that correctly) Alabama on the 26th to have our RV Dealership make a few corrections to the Jayco 5'er. Nothing serious, a few minor corrections to be made in preparation for summer.
One the satellite receiver to play through to the bedroom and down into the basement storage. We use one receiver in the living area and I can't get it to play through to the bedroom. It is wired different from the previous Jayco we had. I could probably do it myself but we paid them for it so we will let them deal with it. Besides, if I screw something up, and I'm capable of doing that, then I void my warrenty.
Plans are to be in Dallard, GA on the first of July. Will be there for at least a month, then on to other parts of the Great Smokey Mountains. The ONLY bad part is leaving this new grandchild for the summer.
Our neighbors are home for awhile. He and I plan to get in some bass fishing this week. If it's good, I'll post some pics. If I don't report, you will know I'm not braggin'. The general rule is, if you don't see any pics, don't ask. Hi Hi...
I better get going, have one of those semi-annual doctor's appointments in Panama City. Post something and let us know what you are up to and plans for the summer please. I know there are a few that are still of the working group (bless your hearts) but what's going on this summer for you ? Take care all and have a great day and week.
Jim ~ W4EWA
03-13-2009, 10:54 AM
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Good morning all... Where's everone ? Weather must be warming up and everyone out and about. We had a low temp of 54 degrees here last night, the high yesterday was probably 80. Wow, such a drastic change in a few days. Wonder how you guys in the north are warming up ?
I've got all my antennas down right now. I'm putting up a new 75/80 meter Double Bazooka and feedline. I cut my old 80 meter inverted "V" down for 40 meters. Hopefully I'll have them both prunned perfectly and will not need a tuner in most places. I think there is a lot of efficiency loss by using the tuner. Hope to have them and the other antennas back up in time to go fishing before dark. The XYL has gone shopping with a friend so it's just me and " Hank".
A week from tomorrow were hooking up and headed to the Birmingham, AL area. Have an appointment the 26th in Calera at Burton Campers to have a couple of things done to the 5th wheel. Thought we would leave a few days early and enjoy the warmer weather. Probably will not be in a hurry getting home either. Anyone know of any good CG's in that area ? We have stayed a lot at Birmingham South in Pelham, they have all the good stuff, wifi, etc...
Better get out and go to work on these antennas. Have a great day folks.
Jim ~ W4EWA
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