The Atlanta RV show is January 23, 24, and 25th.
This is close enough for Radio to make it. It's about 45 miles one way for me from the west side of Atlanta. I used to work a couple miles for the exhibition hall in Forest Park at a job I hated but stayed long enough for DW to get on Medicare. I was already getting it so just needed health insurance for her until 65yo. The general manager wanted me to take a $1 per hour reduction or be terminated. It was already the worse pay I had ever gotten. I said when can I leave, he said right now, I said good-by and never looked back and went straight to the unemployment office.
Anyway if you go the web site, down on the lower left side of the page there is a place to click on to get a $1 off coupon or $2 off if you are a vet. Not much but better than nothing.
From what I have seen on the web the North Atlanta RV show, which ended today, was a bit of a disappointment. Not many dealers, mostly Camping World. Not as big a venue as the exhibit area on the south side.
I will probably go there on Friday as there will be fewer people there then.
See you there!