Kit building help
I was cleaning out my email "sent" folder and came across this link to a web site with an app for android smartphones that some of you "older" builders may have use of. I could have used this back in about 1962 when I built a Hallicrafter SX-130 ham band receiver kit. I am slightly color blind of shades of red and green (like 70% of men) so I had DW call out the color bands of the resistors that were all together in a bag. I haven't used the app so can't tell you how well it works but give it a shot if you need something like it.
Marv KT4W
DW-Carolyn, 2 fur kids BooBoo and Gracie (felines)
Camped 71 days in 2016, Camped 33 in 2017, 33 booked for 2018
2014 Palomino Puma 25RL - TV 2011 F-150 SuperCrew 5.0