I've finally finished my mobile installation project! The radio is an Icom IC-208 UHF/VHF. I chose this radio for it's power output and ease of operation. If I had money to spare I would have probably chosen a FT-8800 for the dual receive capability, but the little footprint of the 208 is perfect for my little rice burner/tuner Mitsubishi Eclipse 4g.
The remote mount head is mounted on a custom built bracket that slides in between the headliner and a decorative rubber trim. I used double sided tape to mount the head unit and to secure the bracket, while avoiding any holes in the installation process.
The radio is mounted in the trunk and I still have a little work to do to clean up the wiring.
I used a K-400 mount which is superior to others because of the extra flange that rests on the fender panel for extra support. The mount cost $75 and I recently found an equivalent mount at MFJ for $35 and I cussed for hours about the purchase!
I installed an SP-22 Icom speaker to drive the audio and it performs superbly.
The microphone hangs from a mic reel on the rear view mirror that I picked up for $10 at a local truck stop. The mic reel prevents inadvertent transmissions due to "sitting on the mic". princess terra (ke5zru) and I have made this unfortunate mistake many times and I recommend this product to
EVERY ham who operates mobile. Additionally, the mic hangs illuminated from the mirror and I believe it serves as a theft deterrent. Furthermore, the radio scans police bands which I also believe serves as a theft deterrent. I never power off the radio-- it is on an auto power off timer.
Please ignore the filthy carpet!
In my opinion, this is the neatest trick of my install... The microphone plugs in to a custom mounted RJ-45 jack on the console! This is the finishing touch that I have been waiting for. It looks OEM and discrete on the side of the console, and there are no wires or cables to trip over. The connector cost $8 from
Yes, I know the silver hardware is ugly... I'll paint it with a black paint marker soon!
Note the 12v accessory plug-- it is more of my custom work on this car. It is an aftermarket replacement that is ham radio friendly. It is wired with 12 gauge, fused primary wire direct to the battery so it is always hot and can be used for any ham radio application safely.
The finishing touch will be an Anderson PowerPole connector installed on the other side of the console for EmComm interchangeable connections!
73 y'all de KE5ZRT