Not very close.
The Tampa hamfest is actually in Plant City, midway between Tampa and Lakeland, almost exactly between those two airports. I've flown over it many times when going from Albert Whitted airport in St Pete (where I kept my airplane) to Lakeland Linder for a hamburger. There were many small airplanes at Whitted, and often on Saturday we'll all go somewhere -- Lakeland, or Ft Pierce, or Ft Myers, somewhere -- as a flight of as many as twenty puddle-jumpers. The Whitted controllers called us the Squirrel Squadron, and the name stuck. I still have my Squirrel Squadron badge and hat. For full membership in the Squirrel Squadron, you had to fly a taildragger.
The Orlando Hamcation is all the way across Orlando from either Orlando International, which is way south of town, or Orlando Executive, which is on the east side of town. The fairgrounds are on the west side. Orlando Executive, by the way, is where Amateur Electronic Supply has its Orlando store.
Come anyway.
-- Carl