06-05-2014, 07:58 PM
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Buy a Garmin and then has a look at http://www.poi-factory.com/ they have all kinds of poi's that are useful to RVers that you can down load to Garmin's.
06-05-2014, 10:04 PM
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OK, so I'm looking for a new GPS. I have an old 2007 4.3" Magellan that I want to replace in my Prius V. I think I want to stay with a 4.3 or 5" unit that has free life time maps of the US and Canada, free traffic up dates and up loadable POIs. Don't need Blue Tooth or MP3 capability as the car already has it.
Any suggestions?
 CQ..CQ..CQ..DE ANDY, N1ORK..QTH Manchester, CT...QRZ..QRZ..
Hello anyone out there?
Is this thing on? 
SkyWarn, CERT, EmComm
06-06-2014, 07:02 AM
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I will comment on one thing.. FIrst the RV unit from Magellin has not played well to on-line reviews.. Many I've heard from were less than happy.
Second, for most GPS units and programs including Microsoft Streets & Trips which I use as my RV GPS (I use Google in the car). You can get a "Point of interest" file or 20 from the Discovery Owner's Group. These POI files have various RV parks, or you can get a Wal*mart pack, or a Flying-J or a Low Bridge (Assorted heights) or a host of other files, and there is also one GIANT POI file for S&T (Do not know about other programs)
I will admit that some of the locations are "Located to city" some to block and some to address.. .(Many need a bit of fine tuning in short) but.. here is the link:
Map Overlay Files
08-01-2014, 06:41 PM
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Which GPS
A little late with some input but want to put my two cents worth in.
I have a Good Sam Rand McNally 7725RV and an older model Tom-Tom. The 7725 has a few perks I appreciate: Instant (almost) find for Flying-J and Wal-Mart and a few other things. The ability to develop route on Good Sam web site and transfer to GPS is a neat addition. HOWEVER - there is a ton of other 'stuff' that I will never use and would prefer not to have in the way. I also found it a pretty steep curve to learn how to use the unit. Over all - not really worth my money.
The old Tom-Tom, although I pay for quarterly upgrades, is by far easier to use and will automatically re-route should I decide to divert from the recommended route.
Solution -- I carry both.  NA9E
08-02-2014, 08:42 AM
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These devices have been reviewed on other forums and play to mixed reviews.... They do have some nice features, but Magellin is not the greatest GPS maker (Garmin is) and there are some other issues as well.. Since I do not have one, or use one (I use Streets and Trips with a massive POI file that includes low bridges) I can not tell you much about it.
I also use Google maps on my phone.
08-29-2014, 10:08 PM
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Posts: 95
I'm smart enough that I don't need a
Tom Tom or other GPS device.
I usually know where I am going, and if I don't, I know how to read a map
or follow written directions from Google.
The crap they make today should be categorized as being distracted driving.
I can't stand to listen to those things giving me directions.
Even worse is when they send you in the wrong direction and insist that you turn around immediately and go back.
People are getting more and more stupid every day..
08-29-2014, 10:20 PM
Carl, nn5i
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Originally Posted by Mr. Ham
People are getting more and more stupid every day..
Yes, and more introspective.
-- Carl
08-30-2014, 09:09 AM
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Think I would rather look at a GPS than refold a map!
08-30-2014, 09:18 AM
Carl, nn5i
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Originally Posted by N3LYT
Think I would rather look at a GPS than refold a map!
So would I, even though Mr Ham tactfully thinks anyone who shares our opinion must be getting "more and more stupid every day". Probably he's right, about me at least -- I notice it all the time.
-- Carl
08-30-2014, 09:47 AM
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There are always those that resist change and especially change to new technology. I no longer use a sextant or navigate by the stars. My GPS units provide a lot of valuable information that would not be available otherwise. BTW I also use GPS units in my boat and airplane. I don't consider myself to becoming more "stupid" because I choose to use currently available technology. Perhaps those that dislike gadgets should also consider staying off the internet and the use of personal computers.
08-30-2014, 10:33 AM
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Originally Posted by W5DOK
I bought one of these last year and I wish I would have bought something else. A lot of the information is outdated or inaccurate and the routing sux. Guess Garmin has spoiled me.
Well the experts say Garmin is the best.....
I have not purchased the RV-GPS mostly because I have read several reviews of it on line from folks that have one, and most all of them can be summed up in your opening sentence "They wish they had bought something else".
So you now have my passed on 2nd hand recommendation... Buy Something Else. And garmin is the best for the self contained units.
My choice... For my car.> Google maps on my Smart PHone (make sure you get the route BEFORE you leave though)
2nd Choice, also 1st for the RV, is discontinued but Microsoft S*T on this laptop with a GPS dongle. Works very well, large screen (15") is way easier to "Scan" than the smaller screen of the hand held units.
08-30-2014, 12:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Radio
I have been looking at the Good Sam enhanced GPS by Rand McNally vs the Magellan RV systems.
Anybody actually have hands on road miles with one of these? All the campgrounds and POI's are nice but I'm really more interested in low bridges, steep hills and fuel stops I can't get out of once I'm in there.
Your experiences?
Last week I went from my home in Lapeer County Michigan to Mason Michigan, I had the GPS set for "Most Use Of Freeways" and It was going to spyral me in to my destination. The longest possible route as it turned out. I then set it for the shortest route and it was better, but still it made obvious errors.
We must remember they are but a tool, better than trying to drive and look at a roadmap but still a tool.
When I first get my gps', I will let it route me somewhere like home or some other short trip that I am familiar with then I will deliberately drive off route to learn how it re-routes me. The GPS will try to send you back to your original route for a long time until it has no other option but to re route you.
Also it never hurts to look at a real road map to familiarize yourself to a new route so as you drive you will have a mental picture of roughly where your going.
By the way mine is named Lola, just as in the movie RV.
Almost a Marine (Army/Navy)
15 months in VietNam (12 Army/3 Navy)
Love to
08-30-2014, 03:43 PM
Carl, nn5i
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Originally Posted by W5DOK
Perhaps those that dislike gadgets should also consider staying off the internet and the use of personal computers.
Amen, Doc.
I extend it also to those who don't like people. And those who despise every radio ham they've ever met probably won't gain much enjoyment from websites frequented mostly by radio hams.
-- Carl
08-30-2014, 03:46 PM
Carl, nn5i
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Originally Posted by KC1BUD
By the way mine is named Lola, just as in the movie RV.
Mine is Nagging Nellie and appears to bear the name without resentment.
-- Carl
08-30-2014, 03:54 PM
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I have quickly found a good place for lunch, interesting places in large cities, parks, nearby repeater in bad weather and more. For me, my GPS's are more useful than just for routing. I can't remember all the turns needed. And, like they say, "Don't give the Lieutenant the map!"
08-30-2014, 04:23 PM
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None of the names that I call mine (the Magellan) can be used in polite company.
08-30-2014, 09:05 PM
Carl, nn5i
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Originally Posted by W5DOK
None of the names that I call mine (the Magellan) can be used in polite company.
Well, no. But probably they're OK here.
-- Carl
08-30-2014, 09:16 PM
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Sweet Wife named the default feminine voice in Street Atlas "Rhoda Roadmap"
08-31-2014, 10:06 AM
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Yeah I call her "Silicone Sally”. One thing I have learned if your GPS tries to get you unlost and suggests a dirt road don't take it!! All though my class C was a small Toyota at the time it was not suitable for a logging rd.
08-31-2014, 12:48 PM
Carl, nn5i
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Back when I always used Street Atlas on a laptop, it led me to a road that hadn't been built yet. That cost me a couple hours. It was somewhere in the north part of Mississippi, I think.
So far my Magellans haven't done that to me. Where the Magellans are really wacko is in their notion of speed limits in Central Florida. They're almost always wrong, in Lake County anyway.
-- Carl
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