Originally Posted by wa8yxm
Another thought... The real reason you might not be able to find Lead Shot is that due to environmental concerns lead is being founded upon.. It gets in our water and food and causes all sorts of issues (health problems).
However, that said, a very quick search on the words: Lead Shot
Found a whole bunch of sources still in existence,, Including Amazon.com.
We have been using Lead for hundreds of years, why all of a sudden is it bad for us?
It isn't the lead, it is the people using the lead improperly.
If I walk out into the Game Lands and a Pheasant flies out and I shoot at it, regardless if I hit or miss it, the lead lands on the ground and is worked back into the soil the next time the farmer plants a crop in the food plot.
The birds themselves have been stocked and they do not have an infinite life expectancy.
When hunting ducks, I can see your point.
The fish might eat some of the pellets while they are falling in the water.
If the fish if not cleaned properly might have some lead inside of them.
If a bird eats the fish, the bird gets lead in it also.
The water pipes in Rome were all Lead and people used them for thousands of years and no one got sick or died because of the lead pipes.
Calcium and algae and other things builds up inside of the pipes and the pipes are then insulated from the water.
It isn't until someone disturbs the pipe that the lead is exposed again and then you have exposure to the lead.