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Old 09-12-2015, 12:12 AM   #1
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Default North Atlanta RV Expo

We spent the afternoon looking around at the North Atlanta RV Expo. Basically it was 4 RV dealers showing there. I didn't get excited about anything I saw there. If I had 40-70 thousand in my pocket I may have found something I liked but most were too big for my style of camping. I like state parks and corps of engineer campgrounds and the 5rs I saw were 37' to 42'+. They won't fit for my use. Lots of fireplaces and 55' televisions, again not what my idea of what camping is. This was the first day of the show and saw maybe a half dozen RV's with sold signs on them. I didn't see any bargain show prices. It looked like they were discounting 25% from MSRP and should be better than that. I talked to quite a few people that were 1st timers looking at the various RV on display. Most of these people had no idea of what they wanted or needed. I got to come home in the rush hour traffic which only took me 2 hours for 50 miles. Pretty good, just reminded me why I don't go through downtown Atlanta. But then when I was working it usually took me 3 hours to get home. Thank God that's over.
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Old 09-12-2015, 03:44 PM   #2
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I don't go to as many RV shows as I used to.

If anything happened to my current camper I'd likely just put the insurance money in the bank and hang up RVing. The new rigs I see at the shows are too big, too heavy, too "decorated." The new rigs have the black trim on the outside which is great because it looks nice and hides mildew. But the designers brought too much black/dark INSIDE the rigs. I don't care for any of the new color schemes. (Just MHO)

My rig is fairly simple. Even the floor plan is simple. Two large rooms. And it doesn't weigh much.

And one of the things missing from the latest shows is a good selection of doo-dads and nick-knacks to add/modify/bling and make comfy your existing camper. The big dealers aren't bringing the small stuff like they used to. I used to hesitate to go to a show for fear of spending $100 or more on new stuff I just can't live without. But that stuff doesn't show up there so much any more.

But I might go to the south Atlanta show when it comes around, if my brother wants to go, just to have something to do with him.

KU4OJ "Wade" Ships Captain, CFO, Chief Engineer
KG4DQQ "Kathy" 1st Officer, Navigator, Best Friend
2007 F-150 SuperCab - 2009 Rockwood 8280SS
Lot's of mostly Kenwood stuff

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