Here’s a question with no cut and dried answer I know but I sure would like your best guess on the results.
Picture a Tarheel 100 sitting in the center of an 8X8 foot metal storage shed. All metal…roof too (flat roof). The antenna base would therefore be about 8 feet off the ground just over the metal roof. What are my chances of it loading? Any improvement using a radial kit (from the antenna base and draped over the shed, then down the sides and then out along the ground surrounding the shed? Would a capacitance hat improvement the loading in this situation? BTW, I run 500 watts.
I know this is weird but I’m getting into a situation where it may be the only possibility. I may also be able to just plop the antenna in the ground a few feet away from the shed and use conventional radial kit but if I can raise the base to the shed roof it would physically be better. (And hidden better)
Just wondering if anyone has ever heard or seen of anything similar. Thanks!