June 27th Test Session
We had quite a night. This was our last test session for the Extra Class License before the question pool changes July 1, 2016. As a result all of our attendee's were testing for Extra. I was surprised that no one showed up for any of the other class licenses. We had 5 take the exam and 4 passed, so an 80% pass rate, which is less than our normal pass rate. The person that failed said he wasn't quite ready but decided to take a chance. He was a veteran of 39 years in the military, 29 years in the Army and 10 years in the Air Force, thanks for your service. I got the packet of new questions but I never even looked at them, I couldn't pass it again unless I did some serious study. A lot more digital and solid state questions.
One note: we have quite a group of VE's now, we had 9 VE's work this test session. I've seen nights where we could have used that many in the past.
So congratulations to the new Extra Class hams!