APT weather satellite reception
I got a Icom PCR1500 computer controlled receiver for Christmas and I have been using it to download Satellite pictures from the NOAA Satellites that go overhead several times a day. This receiver has the right IF band width (FM 50khz) and by using a free software package called APTDecoder and a sound card I can see Satellite pictures coming down in real time. I had played with these Satellites a couple of years ago and had made a special antenna just to receive these satellites. So I put the antenna back up and now I'm getting beautiful pictures. The Software decodes the images and it also tracks the satellites and changes the radio to the correct freq. for the Satellite that is going overhead at the time. It does everything automatically.
These Satellites are low orbit birds that pass from north to south or south to north they transmit on 137Mhz band. You receive 2 pictures at the same time one is normal picture and the other one is Infrared so you can see pictures with night passes. A good pass will last about 15 minutes and on a west coast pass I can see from Mexico to south part of Alaska. On a pass over the center of American I can see all the way to the east coast including Florida.
I plan on making a antenna to take camping so I can keep track of the weather while camping. So have any of you played with these Satellites?
73 de Bill, (N7OQ)
RV: 2006 Outback 23RS
USAF Retired, God Bless our Troops
Licensed in 1978 ex N7AFX, DA1VW, KK6GR