Originally Posted by N7OQ
On item 3 why is it considered rude to make a clickable link?
To be honest, I have no clue. But here's what I think...
Some sites, particularly large commercial forums where they want you to hang around and see the ads, view other sites as competition. Members here and other forums I am associated with have been personally admonished
not to have clickable links to other sites in our sigs on these big sites. I guess their admins don't want the web-crawlers (google, etc) to find sites like ours. Then there's those folks who will link to all sorts of goofy off-topic stuff, some that might be offensive.
I understand there can also be security problems, and that's why we have the same rule here...URLs OK, but links aren't.
But on the other hand, we have two entire sub-forums dedicated to cool links...one for RV/camping and the other for ham radio. Go figure.