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Old 06-27-2008, 12:03 PM   #1
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Default Do You Do Field Day?

Field Day is this weekend.
I have never been into contesting as such myself. The old "5 and 9" routine (regardless of the true signal) just didn't get it. I was always amazed that they refer to it as a test as such and then they say "just give 5 and 9, otherwise it takes to long, the other ops don't like it and it takes time away from making points."
I did 3 or 4 Field Days with clubs I was in but setting up the stations and such was more fun than the operating to me.
I enjoyed being with the people too of course.
I will stick to 17 and maybe a little on 30 meters this weekend.
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Old 06-27-2008, 12:50 PM   #2
Andy N1ORK
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Hi Ken,
Field Day originally started out not being a contest and the ARRL still insists it's not. Signal reports are not required, only Call, Class and Section. So the old '59' contest report is moot. Like you said, it's the friends, the food and the fun.
Oh by the way, did you see K3MP's Field Day thread started a few days ago?
I'll be doing 10 and maybe 20m SSB for our club here in Manchester, CT as W1BRS, 7A, CT.
73 and Y'ALL have fun this week end!!!!!!!!!

CQ..CQ..CQ..DE ANDY, N1ORK..QTH Manchester, CT...QRZ..QRZ..
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Old 06-27-2008, 01:16 PM   #3
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It's been awhile since I was involved.
But to anyone who insists it's not a contest they were not members of the two clubs I was in.
That was all they lived for and worked for all year long. They lost a few members due to this as there were other interests too that they ignored.
They talked about ways to get more points with various stations and modes constantly.
The last club I was with when I got back into this set up with solar panels and and big battery packs high on a mountain at nearly 10K' and ran low power (less than 5 watts if I remember right). Of course the location and the beams they put up helped a lot.
I set it up and took it down with them. The only ops I did then was at a 6 meter station for about 2-3 hours to give others a relief and I don't remember ever getting an answer.
Most of the club members were into high speed CW. I never was a high speed CW op, 15-20 at best and I don't operate CW much anymore. I think they had 3 CW stations, 2 HF and the 6 meter station the year I went with them to the hill.
I could have operated the HF stations as I had my general within a short time after returning from a long absence after being a Novice in the 70s but to me it was rather boring.
I did not note the other post, in reviewing it I see most there go for FD.
That's the great thing about Ham Radio, you can do many things with it. When it comes to FD I would rather go fishing! :fishing:
But then again I have been known for being out there on my own just doing whatever.
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Old 06-27-2008, 08:35 PM   #4
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I know many that don't. Apparently most here do.
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Old 06-27-2008, 11:39 PM   #5
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I have been to a lot of different Field day sites over the years, spent 20 years in the Air Force so got to move around a lot. Some of my favorite field days ever were ones where no one cared how many contacts they made but were there to have a good time and socialize. I always hated the ones where it was go go go and get as many contacts as you can no mater what. The last field day I attended it was 107 degrees, several of the operators cane in RV's trailers and Motor homes and when it started they disappeared into their RV's with their AC going while the rest of us sat outside in the blistering heat. These were the same guys who turned down a site offered by one of the members that was up in the cool mountains with lots of pine trees for this treeless field in town. Well half way through the first day the heat was getting to me and all I could think about was my nice cool pool. So I told the guys I was leaving and going to jump into my pool and good luck. Well several asked if there was room for them in my pool and we all went to my house jumped in the pool, set up a couple stations and had a ball. Of course the RV guys didn't like it much could not under stand how we could all desert them. Most of the guys in the club have started to go camping where it is cooler and enjoy them selfs.

I guess I just don't have the contest bug, don't really like them find they clutter up the band with rude people and they are very impersonal. Me I like a impromptu rag chewing round table any day. I think it is more fun finding out things about the gguy or gal on the other end.
73 de Bill, (N7OQ)
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Old 06-27-2008, 11:52 PM   #6
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Of course I do field day, you think I'm some kind of communist or something??

This year I shall only make a brief appearance because I'm too busy getting stuff ready to go get the new trailer...but in years past I was very much a part of getting field day done.

KU4OJ "Wade" Ships Captain, CFO, Chief Engineer
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Old 06-28-2008, 09:31 AM   #7
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It sounds like you and I like think FD ought to be a relaxed fun gathering.
Unfortunately the 2 clubs I was a member of in the mid 70s as a novice and the early 2000s when I got my license back treated FD as an out and out contest to get the awards and name in print.
Both of these clubs were full of hate and discontent for anyone that was not interested in what they wanted to do. And in one case if someone failed to do what they should the rest of the club really pounced on them.
Not my idea of fun at all. I retired to get away from that type of stuff.
I apparently was in the wrong clubs.
Well perhaps in my travels after we are full time I will find a club to work with and help out that is more casual.
Or perhaps I will just operate from the MH someday.
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Old 06-28-2008, 04:58 PM   #8
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OK, I'll put a poll up about field day.

That should be fun!

KU4OJ "Wade" Ships Captain, CFO, Chief Engineer
KG4DQQ "Kathy" 1st Officer, Navigator, Best Friend
2007 F-150 SuperCab - 2009 Rockwood 8280SS
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Old 07-04-2008, 01:50 AM   #9
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We do FD at a park. We have a 'dinner' on Sat evening, and 90% of members & friends then go home!!. The other 10% will operate, albeit we may not do the entire 24 hrs on every station, but anyone wanting to operate can. We really don't have a rigid signup and operate policy. A lot of contacts and 'in-tent ragchew' goes on as well. We use to do it for contesting, now we just make it respectable and try to have fun.

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