Originally Posted by w7wv
If you want to feel a little better this chart, apparently updated every week charts the price of gas in US Dollars and gallons in some countries of Europe.
I don't know that this makes me feel any better but it could and most likely will be worse in the near future.
That's good...but have you ever noticed that when the AAA says on a certain date the national gasoline price average will be a certain amount, the next day or so the price is at the higher amount.
I talked to my cousin yesterday, he said gas was $4.09 a gal. by his house, in Bismark ND. I was in Boulevard Ca. yesterday afternoon $4.59 a gal. the gas station by my house in Chula Vista $4.89 go figure
Boulevard is about 70 miles or so east of San Diego, in the back country.
73 de w6pea