02-06-2009, 03:53 PM
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7.230 I'll listen for Jim or Andy...
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02-06-2009, 03:53 PM
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I'm getting Euro broacast on 7230, 7233 is better.
 CQ..CQ..CQ..DE ANDY, N1ORK..QTH Manchester, CT...QRZ..QRZ..
Hello anyone out there?
Is this thing on? 
SkyWarn, CERT, EmComm
02-06-2009, 03:56 PM
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No noise but no signal on 7.230 here
Wicked QRM on 7.233 here...
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02-06-2009, 03:57 PM
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I hear someone on 7.233, but can't make you out.
 CQ..CQ..CQ..DE ANDY, N1ORK..QTH Manchester, CT...QRZ..QRZ..
Hello anyone out there?
Is this thing on? 
SkyWarn, CERT, EmComm
02-06-2009, 03:58 PM
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That was the best we've done. Lot's of QSB Andy. Once or twice I could hear you like a local.
I need to run an errand for the XYL. Will be back later.
PS - Thanks for trying also Stephen.
Jim ~ W4EWA
02-06-2009, 04:04 PM
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Maybe next time.
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02-07-2009, 03:35 AM
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Hey Guys - We need to get on AOL's messenger program (I think it's called AIM) or Windows Messenger when on like we were today. The chat or text exchange would be much quicker than going through the forum. One of those pgms or possibly both of them allows you to open a secure chat room for multiple people. I can't remember, it's been so long since I've used one of them. Which one will suite our purposes better ? Once we decide which one to use, we can post our user names and be ready to go. Just my thoughts ? What do you think ?
I just noticed on the Profile Page of each user, under the Contact Info Tab, there is a place provided for instant messenger type info. I've got my "Skype" account listed there, although I hardly use it.
02-07-2009, 06:03 AM
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I have Yahoo Messenger, but hardly ever used it.
 CQ..CQ..CQ..DE ANDY, N1ORK..QTH Manchester, CT...QRZ..QRZ..
Hello anyone out there?
Is this thing on? 
SkyWarn, CERT, EmComm
02-07-2009, 08:09 AM
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If you like getting up in the morning I sometimes check into the Breakfast club (Usually between 7 and 8 am Eastern for me) 3973 KHz
It is fun on that band. This morning I'm not (yet) having any issues hearing NCS, who is in Mo. But I expect him to fade shortly (It's 8am Eastern, I'm in Michigan)
The other day Dave, some fifty miles (if that) from me was NCS during this hour, and I could not hear him at all. Heard zero's and fours and all sorts of other zones but Dave.. Long about 7:50 am he went from RS 00 to 11, 21, 22, .. 5x9 and I completed the check in just like that.
In the evening (4-5 eastern) I check into the Wolverine SSB net on 3935Khz. The pre-net is "Chaos" format, no NCS, just a list taker (Sometimes me) and you just jump in, ID every 10 minutes and that's the only "Formal" Very "party line" type chat.
The 'Formal" net (With an NCS and wait your turn) is currently at 5 pm eastern or there about. When band conditions change we will go back to Pre-net at 5pm formal at 6, NOTE: we tend to follow UTC for that net (Meaning we switch about the same time we switch to/from Dumb Stupid Time (DST) so the pre-net is 2100 zulu and the formal net 2200 Depending on the net this one works the other way.. Stations here in Michigan are like Bo-Derrek aging 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-is he even transmitting. as the band goes LONG http://www.wssbn.com for more info on that net
The rest of the time.. In the winter.. Well. Here in the motor home only the radio room, Which measures 42" by 50" (less cabinets) is heated, currently 100 watts full time 150 when I sit down and 1000/1500 if needed (When I'm here) NO plumbing (Well, plumbing but no water) so I only come out for the nets and the occasional visit on a nice day (Today?) to scan the digital portion of the bands.
Come summer I'll be out here more often as we have found that with membership camping If I pull out and drive 70 miles (about 10 gallon of gas each way) I can park the rig, toss the wire up in the trees and get free, Electric, cable TV and Internet (All the comforts of home) and spend perhaps 10 bucks on Propane, currently 40 on gas, and save over 100 on electricity for the house (Since I"m not using much) every 2 weeks camping.
We plan on doing a lot of camping
02-07-2009, 11:11 AM
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Originally Posted by wa8yxm
If you like getting up in the morning I sometimes check into the Breakfast club (Usually between 7 and 8 am Eastern for me) 3973 KHz
It is fun on that band. This morning I'm not (yet) having any issues hearing NCS, who is in Mo. But I expect him to fade shortly (It's 8am Eastern, I'm in Michigan)
I've listened to the Breakfast Club several times recently. I've not heard you. Probably because I'm in and out of the room or wife and I are chatting back and forth. I can hear most of the stations that time of the morning Q5. Seems like a good group of guys.
XYL is going out-of-town with daughter most of the day today. I'll be in and out if anyone wants to make a contact or I should say attempt a contact.
Jim in NW Florida
02-07-2009, 11:24 AM
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I use Skype (sdurbin64). I have heard that Windows Mess. is almost as bad as having a virus.
WA8YXM, 4am is just a bit too early for me so I will pass on that one unless I can't sleep, which happens alot around 2-3am. I can't tune to 80M yet so I will have to wait on that one too.
2000 Monaco Knight 36Z
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02-07-2009, 12:45 PM
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Originally Posted by AE5BI
I use Skype (sdurbin64). I have heard that Windows Mess. is almost as bad as having a virus.
You are right about Window's Msnger in one respect. It's almost impossible to remove from your system. Although I have it flagged not to, it loads everytime I load Outlook Express.
Jim ~ W4EWA
02-07-2009, 07:21 PM
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Listening on 14.260 Stephen .. I was a few minutes late.
Jim ~ W4EWA
02-07-2009, 08:34 PM
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You were an hour and a few minutes late. AC7HA and I had some luck on 7.294 a few minutes ago but some QRM came in and I can't hear him. I will try to be on 7.230 in a few more minutes to stick to the schedule...
2000 Monaco Knight 36Z
- Kenwood TS-2000
- SG237 Tuner & Long Wire
2006 Jeep (X2)
- iCom IC-706MKIIG
- AH-4 Automatic Antenna Tuner to a 102" Radio Shack CB antenna
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02-07-2009, 08:45 PM
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Jim, I guess you were okay, the time is wrong on the website... at least for me. It is an hour off. There is a QSO party thing going on so I don't know if 7.230 will be clear or not.
2000 Monaco Knight 36Z
- Kenwood TS-2000
- SG237 Tuner & Long Wire
2006 Jeep (X2)
- iCom IC-706MKIIG
- AH-4 Automatic Antenna Tuner to a 102" Radio Shack CB antenna
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02-07-2009, 08:55 PM
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Just spoke to K5WMH in NM for his QSO party on 7.230, signal was pretty weak. Quiet now so I will give it a few minutes and call...
2000 Monaco Knight 36Z
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- SG237 Tuner & Long Wire
2006 Jeep (X2)
- iCom IC-706MKIIG
- AH-4 Automatic Antenna Tuner to a 102" Radio Shack CB antenna
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02-07-2009, 09:02 PM
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I called CQ on 7.230, no luck
2000 Monaco Knight 36Z
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- AH-4 Automatic Antenna Tuner to a 102" Radio Shack CB antenna
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02-08-2009, 02:08 AM
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Sorry Stephen, I didn't make it intime for the 40 mtr sked.
Jim ~ W4EWA
02-08-2009, 05:29 AM
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First AOL-IM NOTE that on community.compuserve.com in a few forums I have moderator powers.. You can use your AOL-IM user name and password there and it will work. Try http://community.compuserve.com/pchardware
Second I use Trillian, it combines AOL-IM, Yahoo-IM, ICQ and at least one other all in one user interface.. It does not have all the features but it does have the ones I need.
Next: 4am.. Well I will admit today I'm on the Breakfast club early (Check the posting time on this message) Wife snores and I was a bit hypoglycemic so I grabbed a couple slices of toast, an apple my coat and boots and here I am.. In the ham shack.
I only come out here in the mornings a couple of times a week, usually 7-8 AM just as the band goes short.
02-11-2009, 07:33 AM
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Instead of all the IM out there, does anyone use EchoLink?
Andy - n1ork
 CQ..CQ..CQ..DE ANDY, N1ORK..QTH Manchester, CT...QRZ..QRZ..
Hello anyone out there?
Is this thing on? 
SkyWarn, CERT, EmComm
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