02-11-2009, 01:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Andy N1ORK
On another note, anyone use EchoLink? I thought it could be a way to 'chat' while trying to make contact on 40m or 20m. We can put our calls into the 'favorites' bucket for future reference.
Andy - n1ork
I tried setting it up, at one point, but couldn't get this Belkin router to let me do it. Another ham suggested I switch to Linksys, and he could walk me right through it. Just haven't done it yet.
02-11-2009, 06:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Andy N1ORK
I'll be testing tonight after our club meeting. I figure about 2030 EST. So if I don't log in tomorrow, you'll now what happened. I figure if I bring $150, I can take 10 tests and maybe get one ok.
Let's see, $150.... Minimum of 3 VE's, right ?  That's ONLY $50 each Andy. This is no time to be frugul. $150 each should do the trick. To make yourself feel better, you could call it a "Stimulus Package".
I'm sorry, "The Devil made me do it," as Flip Wilson used to say.
Seriously, best of luck to you friend. I'm sure congratulations will be in order.
73 -
CQ CQ CQ de ~Jim~ W4EWA
Jim ~ W4EWA
02-11-2009, 06:56 PM
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Originally Posted by jagco
I tried setting it up, at one point, but couldn't get this Belkin router to let me do it. Another ham suggested I switch to Linksys, and he could walk me right through it. Just haven't done it yet. 
I thought Echolink was a good idea. I forgot I could not get it to work the last time I tried. I downloaded the latest version and installed it today. I can't get it to connect. I'm using the Lynksys wireless router. It will not connect with the router out of the line either. I'm told by another ham here that the ISP I'm on has certain ports nulled or locked. Anyone know anything about that ? I guess I need to call the ISP's technical division. I used to use it when I had dialup but not since going to DSL. That's a bummer.

02-12-2009, 06:53 AM
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You may have to allow two ports in your router and maybe the EchoLink url also. I used to have DSL and remember having to do that in the router. I had AT&T and once the ports were allowed in the wireless router, it worked ok. I didn't have to call them to open anything. Did you follow the DSL instructions on the EchoLink web site? I think they tell you which ports have to be allowed. There may be something about your firewall also.
Andy - n1ork/AE
 CQ..CQ..CQ..DE ANDY, N1ORK..QTH Manchester, CT...QRZ..QRZ..
Hello anyone out there?
Is this thing on? 
SkyWarn, CERT, EmComm
02-12-2009, 07:36 AM
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It mentions the firewall and some other stuff about the ports Andy. I didn't read it all, did n't have time. I'll go back and take another gander at it.
Report ? Do you have a report ? Were you suppose to take the T E S T last evening ?
Over ...
Jim ~ W4EWA
02-12-2009, 07:41 AM
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I guessed you missed the clue Jim. I signed my post as n1ork/ae.
 CQ..CQ..CQ..DE ANDY, N1ORK..QTH Manchester, CT...QRZ..QRZ..
Hello anyone out there?
Is this thing on? 
SkyWarn, CERT, EmComm
02-12-2009, 07:58 AM
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I did ... I'm sorry Andrew.... It's a little early.
CONGRATS to you !!!
I knew you would do it, never had a doubt.
Need to get Wade to put it on the banner. "New EXTRA on ORR" ! !
Jim ~ W4EWA
02-12-2009, 10:20 AM
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Thanks Jim!
Two of us got Extra, and two got General last night. 4/4 ain't bad.
 CQ..CQ..CQ..DE ANDY, N1ORK..QTH Manchester, CT...QRZ..QRZ..
Hello anyone out there?
Is this thing on? 
SkyWarn, CERT, EmComm
02-12-2009, 07:35 PM
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Congrats! Congrats! Guess I need to start studying
02-12-2009, 08:03 PM
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It wasn't that bad. We started studying early January by first going through the ARRL Extra license manual. We studied each question in the pool (total 500 or 550) and if we weren't sure of the answer, tried to understand them using the manual. Each question is explained, although not very clearly at times. Once we went through the whole manual, we hit the QRZ sample tests and just kept repeating them, sometimes 10 a day. Some of the questions we just had to memorize.
If you put your mind to it, you'll get it.
Andy - n1ork
 CQ..CQ..CQ..DE ANDY, N1ORK..QTH Manchester, CT...QRZ..QRZ..
Hello anyone out there?
Is this thing on? 
SkyWarn, CERT, EmComm
02-13-2009, 07:56 AM
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Congrats Andy. Now you are going to make me get the book out and start studying for the Extra again.
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02-13-2009, 09:23 AM
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Thanks Ken!
You should study the book at least once. After a while, for me, it came down to having to memorize some of the questions because I couldn't remember the formulas that went with them. I'm sure you'll get it!
Andy - n1ork
 CQ..CQ..CQ..DE ANDY, N1ORK..QTH Manchester, CT...QRZ..QRZ..
Hello anyone out there?
Is this thing on? 
SkyWarn, CERT, EmComm
02-13-2009, 10:35 AM
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Congratulations Andy! Gosh, I know what you mean. When I sat for the tests all the formulas completely fled! Flashback to highschool...
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02-14-2009, 08:05 AM
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Beautiful day here yesterday. In the yard most all day, trimming trees and getting ready for spring. Bummer today. Rain all across the SE looks like. Started raining here last night and still raining. Expected to rain through the weekend I believe.
A "Happy Valentines Day" to all the ladies out there.
Jim ~ W4EWA
02-16-2009, 07:48 AM
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Another Monday morning....
To all the working out there, hope you have a great week.
Retirees, what's on the aganda ?
I have some limbs I left on the ground from trimming trees and shrubs last Friday before the rains started. BTW, we received over 3 inches of rain over the weekend. Just maybe it knocked some of the pollen out of the trees. I see the guys out west are getting a lot of rain now. Although we have had some low tempertures recentcly, the vegatation is starting to bloom. Everything is yellow with pollen. Speaking of rain, "Radio" if you read this (I'm sure you will), how are the water levels up in the Atlanta or North Georgia area ? I'm really curious and have not heard much recently. Are the levels beginning to come back ? I know they probably still have a long way to go to get back to normal. The water is higher here than last year, just need it to stay that way. I watch this COE site that monitors levels along the Chattahoochee River ( click here). You can see our location near the bottom of the chain. Maybe the " water wars" between Florida, Alabama and Georgia are over for awhile. The Large Mouth Bass are very active. I've spotted a couple of 5 pounders while on one of the docks behind our home and many smaller ones. It's going to be time to go fishing before long.
A belated " Happy Valentines Day" to all the ladies out there. I don't think I saw it mentioned on the forum.
A low of 40 degrees here last night. It's currently 42 and the humidity is at 91%.
73 folks .....
Jim ~ W4EWA
02-19-2009, 12:47 PM
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Originally Posted by One Country Boy
I thought the pics might warm some of you up abit Dan. It got up to 77 here today. First nice day we've had in awhile. It won't be long now Dan, Spring is on the way.
We warmed up for a few days but we are back in winter's grip. It is currently 21 degrees out but the wind chill is-4.3 with an 18 mile an hour wind. and it is snowing.
Almost a Marine (Army/Navy)
15 months in VietNam (12 Army/3 Navy)
Love to
02-21-2009, 08:09 AM
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Good morning,
We have had a day or two of nice spring weather, even turned on the AC once. It was back down to 27 last night. Clear and windy for the most part.
de Jim W4EWA
Jim ~ W4EWA
02-22-2009, 10:06 AM
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Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to Bill, N7OQ !! Many more to you friend.
Jim ~ W4EWA
02-26-2009, 06:10 PM
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I am ready to try to help get the net going. Let me know when and where.
73's KB5LJE
02-27-2009, 07:10 AM
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Originally Posted by MRimmer
I am ready to try to help get the net going. Let me know when and where.
73's KB5LJE
OK Mike.... The weather has been so nice here that I have been mostly outside catching up and cleaning up for the past few days. I'm about ready to get my priorities back in order though. Put Ham Radio & Computer back on the top of the list. Although, I have to say the fish have been very active in the creek behind our house. I may have to put the boat in the water and cast for a bass. It's a very good time to catch them on live shinners as well. They are hungry after a cold winter. Hi Hi...
I have to run to Panama City (about 25 miles) this morning but plan to make it a quick trip. I will post to the "Sked Thread" when I have some time and try to hook up from there. I think you are in Northern Mississippi, correct ? Straighten me out please if I'm wrong. My XYL says I''m never wrong. Somehow, I don't think her heart is in those words. (Hi)...
I have been able to hear guys in Texas, Miss and TN during the day on 75 meters. Strange how long 75 has been during the day.
Jim ~ W4EWA
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