I still keep my toys in seperate packages. I carry a cell phone and a Palm PDA. Between that, my 2 meter Handy talkie and Maglite flashlight my XYL says I am loading my utility belt when ever we go out.
She has asked for an all in one printer/scanner before, but I am reluctant to get one. The reason is if you have a problem with say the scanner, then while it is away being fixed the printer is too. I like the print quality of HP printers but I wouldn't have one of their scanners. I had one and the bulb went after I had it for 6 months I was told that a replacement bulb would cost as much as a new scanner so we went back to Mustek.
Besides I have ham software on my Palm PDA that wouldn't transfer. Nor would a few other diabetes specific software programs.
Almost a Marine (Army/Navy)
15 months in VietNam (12 Army/3 Navy)
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