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Old 04-08-2009, 02:46 PM   #1
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Default FDR state park

Our latest romp was to Franklin Roosevelt state park, near Pine Mountain GA. Great park, landed a site right on the big lake in the park. Weather was nice for one day, the wife enjoyed the 'Pine Mountain flea market' day we lucked up and fell into while here. Also around is the 'little white house' and Callaway Gardens .
The park has a load of hiking trails all across the 'difficulty' scale, from the 0.8 mile 'Delano' trail we tried to a very long and strenuous trek all over a small mountain. Folks were pulling little bass out of the lake, boating around with paddles or off the banks.
Not too sure this park would be that great for radio, it's kind of down in the valley with that lake, so could be marginal. One of these days, maybe 'Radio' can assist / give tips on putting the dual I used to keep in my Jeep into the TT.
Met some folks full timing in a triple axle 'Avion' TT pulled by a big Dodge dually diesel. They were on the way back from Key West to Indiana, which they had been doing for 40 years. (I don't think they had been full timing for 40 years, but you never know.) The old boy had bad circulation in his legs and his doc wrote him a prescription back in '69 for swimming in 80 degree water daily, in Key West! I wonder what his co-pay on that one is?
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Old 04-09-2009, 12:27 AM   #2
One Country Boy
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Hi Hi... He had to have some good insurance. Wonder what he paid the doc for that script ? I understand the RV Parks down in the Keys are rather expensive. The wife and I have been looking at them.

We just returned from about a 2 week trip to B'ham, Alabama. I think it rained all but two days during our trip. We met a lot of folks headed back home (to the north) from a winters stay in the warm south. Others decided they would wait several more weeks. Jeff says he's still getting snow at his location. It will probably be several more weeks before we head out again. I've got to trouble-shoot some RFI problems in the 5'er.

You mentioned your wife enjoying the flea markets. We have been visiting the Dillard, GA/Franklin, NC area for the past 2 or 3 years. One of our favorite past-times is visiting some of the flea markets in that area. Not that we buy anything, we just see a lot of old, historic items from years past. We have reservations for Dillard the 1st of July. Plans are to stay in that area about three months this year. We are making plans to visit with another ORR Forum member while there. We need to set up a weekend for ORR Members to get together for a summer picnic.

Jim ~ W4EWA
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Old 04-09-2009, 08:41 PM   #3
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Hey Bro! Tell them about the weather!!

KU4OJ "Wade" Ships Captain, CFO, Chief Engineer
KG4DQQ "Kathy" 1st Officer, Navigator, Best Friend
2007 F-150 SuperCab - 2009 Rockwood 8280SS
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Old 04-09-2009, 09:08 PM   #4
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Arrow Park ranger panic!

Well, OK, Bro, the weather was great Saturday the 4th April, but Sunday had the rain moving in A.M. Let up during the day but cranked up again big time after dark and around 8 P.M. the TV had tornado warnings on 'til 2 AM'. So we're watchin' the tube and about 9 PM or thereabouts, the park ranger comes crusin' thru the place hollering over the PA that there's a tornady a headin' thisaway, sighted on the ground in Alabama about an hour west of here. So then he says if the thing hits, head fer th' outhouse. The only 'structure' around, and made of concrete block, except for the roof of course. So, this panics a bunch of tent campers, other folks and us into thinking 'well, we're only an hour away from the house and 'there's a tornado comin' this way'. And another thing, howya gonna get folks from 2 or 3 dozen campsites into one little shower / outhouse?? So whut are we standin' round here fer? We hop in the truck and skeedaddle out of the park and make it about 5 mile or less north of Pine Mountain, it's rainin' so bad we can't see the road. So, we u-turn back to the park, and it seems the worst is over already. Just a couple flooded places in the park roads and about 10 PM the rain fades away. And about 11 PM the TV takes off the 'warning' from the screen. So we fall onto our cheapo original factory supplied camper bed and call it a night. (We've upgraded the cheapo mattress with a really nice 3" foam topper now, should be dramatic improvement over original.)
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Old 04-23-2009, 07:35 PM   #5
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Default About that mattress pad

Yup, a mighty nice improvement, worth the bux. Like it as well as the 'tempurpedic' in the house.
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